
という一文(「Why does the Fed need a historian? 」)から始まるセントルイス連銀のブログエントリをMostly Economicsが紹介している。内容は昨年11月にセントルイス連銀のFRB歴史家(Federal Reserve System historian)に任命されたJonathan Roseの紹介記事で、それによるとFRB歴史家の役職は2013年にFRB100周年を機に創設され、FRB歴史サイトの構築の継続やFRASERチームの支援を行うほか、FedPreserve(歴史的に重要な資料を保存する内部システム)に保存する資料の決定を行う委員会のメンバーも務めるとのこと。

One way to think of economic historians is: They develop a menu of events that have happened in the past, and they don’t necessarily always try to link those past events to today. Over time, though, those past events may become relevant to the present, but in unpredictable ways. Historians need to prepare that menu in advance, so that when novel situations arise and people reach for history, we have something to draw on without doing years of research.
The most consequential analogy is the Great Depression, which has informed the Fed’s response to both the 2008 financial crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic. Financial crises are thankfully rare. If you want to understand them, that becomes an economic history exercise right away.
Last year, I was working on crypto. A number of colleagues told me that they were happy to have an historian involved, because they saw elements of the past in crypto. They also thought the skill of an historian is to understand alternate ways that the economy has worked over history. It was funny, though—a historian working on the future of finance.
Deep history comes from years of investment that usually can’t be snuck into the time between FOMC meetings. In that way, connecting the past to the present is challenging, but it’s what I’m passionate about.
