

I think you're looking at two very different situations in Japan and the U.S. in terms of inflation. In the U.S. we've got inflation in a place where the American people regard it as a huge problem in a way they haven't for forty years. We've got almost every leading indicator of inflation pointing upwards, we've got epically tight labor markets. I think the situation is very different in Japan. I think their situation still has more in common with the pre-Covid situation we had in the U.S. where you're trying to overcome a force of secular stagnation, in their case driven substantially by the fact that they now have a quite rapidly shrinking labor force. So I think their decision in a very different context has been broadly appropriate.

マンキューは「An Inflation Puzzle」と題した5/6ブログエントリで以下のように書いている

A common story about the recent inflation surge in the United States--especially among members of Team Transitory--is that the surge is largely due to global supply shocks, such as rising energy prices, chip shortages, and various bottlenecks in the wake of the worldwide pandemic. Why then do we not see a similar inflation surge in Japan? There, inflation is running at about the same rate as it was pre-pandemic. See below. (Click on image to enlarge.) I am puzzled.
最近の米国でのインフレの上昇についての一般的な話は――特にインフレを一時的と見做す人々の間では――上昇は主に、エネルギー価格の上昇、半導体不足、世界的なコロナ禍後の各種のボトルネックといった、世界的供給ショックによる、というものだ。ではなぜ日本では同じようなインフレの上昇が起きていないのか? 日本ではインフレはコロナ禍前とほぼ同程度だ。下図参照(クリックすると拡大)。謎だ。