
というNBER論文が上がっている。原題は「Demographic Transitions Across Time and Space」で、著者はfrom Matthew J. Delventhal(クレアモント・マッケナ大)、Jesús Fernández-Villaverde(ペンシルベニア大)、Nezih Guner(バルセロナ自治大)。

In this paper, we have constructed a data set consisting of birth rates, death rates, and GDP per capita for a panel of 186 countries spanning from 1735 until 2014. We have proposed a way to measure demographic transitions that lets the data pick start and end dates for fertility and mortality transitions. Our method documented several important findings regarding when and how quickly countries go through the demographic transition. We highlighted, in particular, the existence of a “demographic contagion” across countries that are close to each other (either geographically or in terms of legal systems). Finally, we argued that a simple model where parents choose child quantity and educational quality and where technology diffuses from a frontier country to the periphery can account for all of these observations.
