プリンストン大のAdrien BilalとEsteban Rossi-Hansbergがミネアポリス連銀から「Location as an Asset」というWPを出し、「Trading places」と題された同連銀のRegion誌記事(筆者はDouglas Clement)でその内容が解説されている。
The obvious question is, Why do so many people live in towns with bad housing, poor schools, and meager employment prospects rather than move to locations with better conditions that would likely improve their lives? Customary explanations—high moving expenses and exorbitant living costs—aren’t plausible, contend Bilal and Rossi-Hansberg, who argue that data on actual moving costs don’t bear this out, and affordable options are available even in expensive locales if one is willing to live in a small apartment or endure a long commute.
Instead, they suggest, think of location choice as an investment decision. A person without savings who loses his or her job can survive the shock by moving to a less-desirable city, “borrowing” from that location to pay current living expenses. In contrast, someone benefiting from a positive shock—an inheritance, say—might “invest” in a good location and enjoy sustained payoff from its better housing, schools, and employment.
Either decision involves an “intertemporal transfer of consumption”—choosing whether to consume now or save for rainy day. And the fact that anyone, rich or poor, can make that transfer—by moving—is what makes location a special asset.
- 金融制約を受けているか否かで居住地の決定が異なるか、が理論についてのより強い検証になるが、失職後に引っ越した労働者が下した居住地決定の説明要因を回帰分析で調べたところ、自己資金で賄えない、ないし借入できない、という要因が非常に強力な説明要因となった。最も金融制約がきつい所得の最下層の労働者は、最上層の労働者より居住ランクが15%近く劣る地域を選択した。
- 通勤費や地域の暮らしやすさといった他の説明要因をコントロールしても、この結果は維持された。