貴兄が知っていることを私が知っていると貴兄は知っているのか? サーベイデータにおける高次の考え

というNBER論文をCoibion=Gorodnichenko=Kumar*1らが上げているungated版)。原題は「Do You Know That I Know That You Know...? Higher-Order Beliefs in Survey Data」で、著者はOlivier Coibion(テキサス大オースティン校)、Yuriy Gorodnichenko(UCバークレー)、Saten Kumar(オークランド工科大)、Jane Ryngaert(ウェイクフォレスト大)。

We implement a new survey of firms, focusing on their higher-order macroeconomic expectations. The survey provides a novel set of stylized facts regarding the relationship between first-order and higher-order expectations of economic agents, including how they adjust their beliefs in response to a variety of information treatments and how these adjustments affect their economic decisions. We show how these facts can be used to calibrate key parameters of noisy-information models with infinite regress as well as to test predictions made by this class of models. The survey also quantifies cognitive limits of agents in the form of level-k thinking. We find little evidence that this departure from infinite regress helps reconcile the data and theory.


The survey builds on earlier surveys of firms in New Zealand described in Coibion, Gorodnichenko and Kumar (2018; henceforth CGK) and Kumar et al. (2015). Relative to this earlier work, we rely on two new waves of the survey run in 2017Q4-2018Q1 using a fresh draw of firms. These firms were asked to report not just what they expect inflation to be over the next twelve months (their “first-order” expectations) but also what they believe other firms expect future inflation to be (their “higher-order” expectations).


While infinite regress of higher-order expectations requires that agents solve a problem in which they iterate over how their actions affect others then how the actions of others affect them etc., models of level-k thinking assume that this reasoning process is computationally expensive and difficult, leading agents to stop at some finite “k” level of iteration. The experimental literature has documented in laboratory settings that agents generally display very limited “degrees of reasoning”, often stopping at 2 or 3 iterations of a problem (Nagel and Duffy 1997, Nagel 1995, Camerer, Ho, and Chong 2004, Stahl and Wilson 1995, Costa-Gomes and Crawford 2006).
We provide novel evidence on this dimension of higher-order thinking as well by asking respondents questions aimed to measure their degree of k-level thinking. Specifically, we follow the experimental literature and ask them to pick a number between 0 and 100, with the winning number being the one that is two-thirds of the average guess across all respondents. While some respondents answer seemingly random numbers, answers for respondents who spent more than 20 seconds answering the question line up squarely on traditional values assigned with different level k (33 for k=1, 22 for k=2, etc…) yielding clear metrics of the degree of level-k thinking done by these respondents. The resulting distribution is much more heavily tilted toward higher levels of reasoning than is commonly found in the experimental literature, with over twenty-five percent of respondents displaying levels of thinking of k=3 or more, compared to 9% in Nagel (1995) and 13% in Camerer et al. (2004).
より高次の予想への無限後退は、自分たちの行動が他者にどのように影響し、そして他者の行動が自分たちにどのように影響し、…という反復が生じる問題を主体が解くことが要求されるが、レベルk思考のモデルでは、この推計手順は計算コストが高くかつ難しいので、主体は"k"という有限の段階で反復を停止する、と仮定している。この分野の実験室を用いた研究では、主体が示す「推計段階」は一般に非常に限定的で、問題を2回か3回反復して停止することが多い、ということが明らかになっている(Nagel and Duffy 1997, Nagel 1995, Camerer, Ho, and Chong 2004, Stahl and Wilson 1995, Costa-Gomes and Crawford 2006)。

Unlike the experimental literature, we also asked respondents to guess about the distribution of other managers’ answers (by assigning corresponding weights to ranges of possible answers). This novel question allows us to ascertain what each manager believes the mean answer to be (and whether they therefore pick a number that is two-thirds of that) and whether they think other managers are dispersed in their level of thinking. We document several departures from standard modeling approaches of level-k thinking. First, most managers believe other managers will report an answer in the same range as theirs, so they are not picking a value equal to two-thirds of their expected mean. Second, managers generally believe that some of the other managers are higher-level thinkers than they are, whereas standard models assume that an agent acts as if all other players are lower-level thinkers relative to them. Third, managers dramatically underestimate the actual dispersion of answers, so they seem largely unaware of the actual distribution of level-k thinking, even among their peers. Finally, we find no systematic relationship between an agent’s degree of level-k thinking and either how they revise their beliefs in light of new information or how changes in their information affect their actions. These facts present a challenge relative to the typical assumptions used when applying level-k thinking to macroeconomic models.

*1:cf. ここで紹介した論文。

*2:cf. これ

*3:cf. これ