
リッチモンド連銀の研究者(Thomas A. Lubik、Christian Matthes、David A. Price*1)が、同連銀のEconomic Briefで、今後10年間にFF金利が再びゼロ金利下限をヒットする確率はおよそ1/4である、という推計結果を示している

Lubik and Matthes began by estimating the TVP-VAR model over the full sample from 1961 to 2018 for quarterly data on real GDP, inflation (personal consumption expenditures inflation), and the federal funds rate. They then used the model's estimated coefficients to produce forecasts over a ten-year horizon. The researchers generated multiple simulations of the shocks hitting the economy over the ten-year period and recorded their effects on macroeconomic variables for each quarter. The result of this process was a distribution of likely outcomes for each quarter.
Figure 1 shows both measures of zero-lower-bound probability, with the blue line representing the probability of hitting the zero lower bound in a given quarter and the red line representing the cumulative probability. As noted, the probability starts at essentially zero and gradually rises toward a long-run level of 15.4 percent. From a policymaker's perspective, this indicates that there is a 15.4 percent chance that the economy will be in a situation in 2028 where the federal funds rate is again constrained at zero, given the estimated historical patterns of shocks when extrapolated forward.
The cumulative probabilities show a similar pattern, starting virtually at zero and rising to a long-run level of 25.5 percent. In other words, by 2028, roughly one-fourth of all forecasted trajectories of the federal funds rate hit the zero lower bound at least once.
ルビクとマテスは、まず、実質GDPとインフレ率(個人消費支出インフレ率)とFF金利の四半期データについて時変的パラメータ(time-varying parameter)VARモデルを1961年から2018年の全期間について推計し、それから推計されたモデルの係数で今後10年間の予測を行った。彼らは10年の間にショックが経済を襲うシミュレーションを複数回行い、四半期ごとのマクロ経済変数への影響を記録した。その結果、各四半期において起こる確率の高い結果の分布が得られた。

