
Francis Dieboldが、Joshua D. AngristとJörn-Steffen PischkeのNBER論文噛み付いている(H/T Economist's View)。

How should changes in our use of econometrics change the way we teach econometrics?
Our take on this is simple. We start with empirical strategies based on randomized trials and quasi‐experimental methods because they provide a template that reveals the challenges of causal inference, and the manner in which econometric tools meet these challenges. We call this framework the design‐based approach to econometrics because the skills and strategies required to use it successfully are related to research design. This viewpoint leads to our first concrete prescription for instructional change: a revision in the manner in which we teach regression.
Regression should be taught the way it’s now most often used: as a tool to control for confounding factors. This approach abandons the traditional regression framework in which all regressors are treated equally. The pedagogical emphasis on statistical efficiency and functional form, along with the sophomoric narrative that sets students off in pursuit of “true models” as defined by a seemingly precise statistical fit, is ready for retirement. Instead, the focus should be on the set of control variables needed to insure that the regression‐estimated effect of the variable of interest has a causal interpretation.


Here's what AP get right:

(G1) One of the major goals in econometrics is predicting the effects of exogenous "treatments" or "interventions" or "policies". Phrased in the language of estimation, the question is "If I intervene and give someone a certain treatment ∂x,x∈X, what is my minimum-MSE estimate of ∂y?" So we are estimating the partial derivative ∂y/∂x.

AP argue the virtues and trumpet the successes of a "design-based" perspective for achieving G1. In my view they are largely correct as regards G1. ...the econometric simplicity of design-based methods is tremendously intoxicating. It's mostly just linear regression of y on x and a few cleverly-chosen control variables -- you don't need a full model -- with White-washed standard errors. ...
Here's what AP miss/dismiss:

(G2) The other major goal in econometrics is predicting y. In the language of estimation, the question is "if a new person i arrives with covariates Xi, what is my minimum-MSE estimate of her yi? So we are estimating a conditional mean E(y|X), which in general is very different from estimating a partial derivative ∂y/∂x.

The problem with the AP paradigm is that it doesn't work for goal G2.






*1:これはおそらく、whitewashという一般用語と、論文でその手法が参照されているHalbert Whiteを掛けている。