
クリス・ディローが、「非対称的ベイズ主義(asymmetric Bayesianism)」という耳慣れない言葉を用いている*1。ソースはEdward L. GlaeserとCass R. Sunsteinの「Why Does Balanced News Produce Unbalanced Views?」と題された3年前の論文らしい。以下は同論文の要旨。

Many studies find that presentation of balanced information, offering competing positions, can promote polarization and thus increase preexisting social divisions. We offer two explanations for this apparently puzzling phenomenon. The first involves what we call asymmetric Bayesianism: the same information can have diametrically opposite effects if those who receive it have opposing antecedent convictions. Recipients whose beliefs are buttressed by the message, or a relevant part, rationally believe that it is true, while recipients whose beliefs are at odds with that message, or a relevant part, rationally believe that the message is false (and may reflect desperation). The second explanation is that the same information can activate radically different memories and associated convictions, thus producing polarized responses to that information, or what we call a memory boomerang. An understanding of these explanations reveals when balanced news will produce unbalanced views. The explanations also account for the potential influence of “surprising validators.” Because such validators are credible to the relevant audience, they can reduce the likelihood of asymmetric Bayesianism, thus promoting agreement.


  • 自分の信じていないことを支持する主張を自分なりに構築してみる
  • 自分の理論の弱点を探す
  • 自分の主張を否認するような証拠を探す
  • 自分の主張に反する知的な議論を探す
    • 自分の反対者の多くが愚かでヒステリカルだとしても、全員がそうだとは限らない。

*1:attitude polarization、the backfire effectという同義語もあるとの由。