
クルーグマンが「The Unbundled City」というブログエントリで、情報技術の発達により企業の本社機能が解体される様子を描いている

In today’s world, core headquarters functions – the stuff done by top executives and highly paid experts – can be unbundled from the more mundane operations of a company. These high-end functions are also the ones that benefit most from the agglomeration economies of a big city; not to mention the amenities such a city offers to people whose salaries are enough to let them afford decent housing despite high prices.
Meanwhile, it’s no longer necessary to have all the back-office operations in the same place, requiring that a lot of less-well-paid workers deal with high rents even as they suffer on the long subway ride in from Queens.
So what we’re getting is remote servicing of “customers” who in this case are the other pieces of what was formerly a physically united headquarters.
This is good for urban economies, although it does reinforce the tendency of urban centers to become playgrounds for the very affluent.

*1:その点についてクルーグマンは、この引用部の前段で、IT技術の発達によって対面コミュニケーションの需要がむしろ増す、という点を指摘したEd Glaeserの共著論文にリンクしている(こちらのエントリも参照)。