「No Pain, No Gain: The Effects of Exports on Effort, Injury, and Illness」というNBER論文が上がっている(ungated版)。著者はDavid Hummels(パデュー大)、Jakob Munch(コペンハーゲン大)、Chong Xiang(パデュー大)。
Increased job effort can raise productivity and income but put workers at increased risk of illness and injury. We combine Danish data on individuals’ health with Danish matched worker-firm data to understand how rising exports affect individual workers’ effort, injury, and illness. We find that when firm exports rise for exogenous reasons: 1. Workers work longer hours and take fewer sick-leave days; 2. Workers have higher rates of injury, both overall and correcting for hours worked; and 3. Women have higher sickness rates. For example, a 10% exogenous increase in exports increases women’s rates of injury by 6.4%, and hospitalizations due to heart attacks or strokes by 15%. Finally, we develop a novel framework to calculate the marginal dis-utility of any non-fatal disease, such as heart attacks, and to aggregate across multiple types of sickness conditions and injury to compute the total utility loss. While the ex-ante utility loss for the average worker is small relative to the wage gain from rising exports, the ex-post utility loss is much larger for those who actually get injured or sick.
- 労働者の労働時間は増加し、病欠の日数は減少する。
- 怪我の割合は、全体ならびに労働時間調整後のいずれについても上昇する。
- 女性の病気の割合の方が高い。例えば輸出が外生的に10%増加すると、女性の怪我の割合は6.4%上昇し、心臓発作や脳梗塞による入院は15%上昇する。