
「A Remarkable Financial Moment」と題したブログエントリでサマーズが、低下を続ける各国の長期金利を前に市場は長期停滞のリスクを認識したようだが、政策当局者の認識が遅れている、と書いている。(H/T Economist's View。cf. FTWaPoへの転載)。

...policymakers still have not made sufficiently radical adjustments in their worldview to reflect this new reality of a world where generating adequate nominal GDP growth is likely to be the primary macroeconomic policy challenge for the next decade.


Third, in a world where interest rates over horizons of more than a generation are far lower than even pessimistic projections of growth, traditional thinking about debt sustainability needs to be discarded. In the United States, UK, Euro area and Japan the real cost of even 30 year debt will be negative or negligible if inflation targets are achieved. Indeed, the conditions Brad Delong and I set out in 2012 for expansionary fiscal policy to pay for itself are much more easily satisfied today than they were at that time.

Fourth, the traditional suite of structural policies to promote flexibility are not especially likely to be successful in the current environment, though some structural policy approaches such as removal of restrictions on investment are still desirable. Indeed in the presence of chronic excess supply structural reform has the risk of spurring disinflation rather than the contributing to a necessary increase in inflation. There is in fact a case for strengthening entitlement benefits so as to promote current demand. The key point is that the traditional OECD type recommendations cannot be right as both a response to inflationary pressures and deflationary pressures. They were more right historically than they are today.
