
昨日紹介したトービン論文は、3年ほど前にここで紹介したように、David GlasnerがNick Roweの主唱するホットポテト効果を否定する論拠としても使われている。以下に論文の該当箇所と思われる部分を引用してみる。

Evidently the fountain pens of commercial bankers are essentially different from the printing presses of governments. Confusion results from concluding that because bank deposits are like currency in one respect--both serve as media of exchange--they are like currency in every respect.
Unlike governments, bankers cannot create means of payment to finance their own purchases of goods and services. Bank-created "money" is a liability, which must be matched on the other side of the balance sheet. And banks, as businesses, must earn money from their middlemen's role. Once created, printing press money cannot be extinguished, except by reversal of the budget policies which led to its birth. The community cannot get rid of its currency supply; the economy must adjust until it is willingly absorbed. The "hot potato" analogy truly applies. For bank-created money, however, there is an economic mechanism of extinction as well as creation, contraction as well as expansion. If bank deposits are excessive relative to public preferences, they will tend to decline; otherwise banks will lose money. The burden of adaptation is not placed entirely on the rest of the economy.
5節. 万年筆と印刷機

これは銀行預金のホットポテトの話であるが、Roweは、準備預金でもホットポテトは起きる、と論じている(cf. 本ブログの2014/7/3エントリ)。そうした準備預金の世界でのホットポテト効果についてトービンは何も触れていないが、昨日エントリの冒頭で紹介した最近の論争の背後には、その点に関する各論者の考えの違いがあるようにも思われる。そうすると、各論者が、我こそはこのトービン論文と同じ考え方である、と主張しつつ意見が食い違っているのは、そもそもトービンが触れていない点を無理に援用しようとした結果である、という見方もできそうである。


Reserves are deposits banks have at the Federal Reserve; some are required by law to be held against checking deposits, but banks also hold reserves at the Fed in excess of requirements. Importantly, the amount of Fed deposits held by the banking system as a whole is determined by Federal Reserve open market operations, not by the banks themselves.

Before the Fed paid interest on reserves, banks engaged in wasteful and inefficient efforts to avoid holding non-interest-bearing reserves instead of interest-bearing assets, such as loans. For example, many banks set up mechanisms for moving funds at the end of the business day from accounts which bore higher reserve requirements to accounts which had lower or no reserve requirements. By paying interest on reserves, the Fed made such efforts unnecessary.


*1:H/T 昨日エントリの冒頭でリンクしたtotbさんの2/17エントリ。