日銀のマイナス金利政策を受けてコチャラコタが自HPに簡単な論評を書いているが、同じ日(2/1)にMoneyandBankingブログに掲載されたインタビューで概ね同内容のことをより簡潔に語っているので、以下に引用してみる(いずれもEconomist's View経由。ただしインタビュー自体は日銀の政策実施前のものと思われる)。
Another important aspect of the tool kit regards negative interest rates. In the past, I have written down economic models where the interest rate is constrained to be greater than or equal to zero. However, we have certainly learned from the experience in Europe that it’s not. And, I think that is something that should be explored by other major central banks, namely the Bank of England, the Fed, and the Bank of Japan. There are conversations about raising inflation targets to say 4%. But, if you can set the interest rate at -150 (“minus 150”) basis points, you've achieved much of the same result without creating the distortion that higher inflation brings. So, there is quite a bit to be gained from thinking about how low interest rates can go.
One final thing to say is that these unconventional tools would be more effective, the more they are treated as conventional. Treating them as “break the glass” instruments of policy robs them of their effectiveness because every time you bring them out, you will be signalling that things are going very badly. You want to treat your entire policy tool kit as conventional. For example, on negative interest rates, it should be made clear that there is no zero lower bound, and you should communicate ahead of time how low you are willing to go.