
というNBER論文が上がっている。原題は「Balanced Growth Despite Uzawa」で、著者はGene M. Grossman(プリンストン大)、Elhanan Helpman(ハーバード大)、Ezra Oberfield(プリンストン大)、Thomas Sampson(LSE)。

Over at least the last half century, the United States has experienced balanced growth; nearly constant growth rates of output per worker, capital, and consumption, and roughly constant factor shares until quite recently. Uzawa's Growth Theorem established that, in a conventional neoclassical growth model, balanced growth can be realized only if technical change is purely labor-augmenting or the elasticity of substitution between capital and labor is unity. But the price of capital equipment has been falling precipitously over time and the elasticity of substitution appears to be significantly less than one. We have shown that if labor quantity and labor quality do not enter the aggregate production function symmetrically, capital-augmenting technological change can be reconciled with balanced growth, provided that schooling increases over time and that capital and schooling are sufficiently complementary. Our model matches trends for the U.S. economy that suggest balance as well as others that may appear to reflect unbalanced growth, such as a linear increase in educational attainment and a falling labor-force participation rate. We achieve this while also matching conventional estimates of the capital-labor
elasticity of substitution and life-cycle earnings profiles.
The basic mechanism in our model is straightforward: over time, growing stocks of effective capital raise the returns to schooling, which induces individuals to spend more time in school. Inasmuch as capital and labor are complements, capital accumulation tends to lower capital's share in national income, but this is offset by the subsequent rise in schooling, because capital and schooling are also complements. When capital and schooling are more complementary than capital and labor, the second effect can neutralize the first. Although the presence of these offsetting forces is natural enough, restrictions on how schooling enters the production function are needed to maintain exact balance along an equilibrium trajectory. The restrictions are in a sense analogous to those usually imposed on preferences in a dynamic model in order to generate balanced growth. Specifically, while it may be natural to assume that income and substitution effects offset one another as wages rise, the intratemporal utility function must be specified in a particular away so as to maintain perfect balance along an equilibrium trajectory. Just as balanced-growth preferences are consistent with a range of intertemporal elasticities of substitution and labor-supply elasticities, so too are the restrictions we impose on the production function consistent with a range of elasticities of substitution between capital and labor and between capital and schooling.