COWEN: Here’s an article from Quartz. Let me read you the headline. Maybe you saw it from a few months ago. “The most common surnames of new entrepreneurs in Italy are Hu, Chen, and Singh.” If you look at Milan, you have to go through 20 names, and at number 20 is the Italian name Colombo for the most common or most frequent names of entrepreneurs.
Is this sustainable culturally, or is this Italy’s future, in essence, to be economically colonized the way parts of Southeast Asia have been by Chinese, Indians, Sikhs, whoever it may be. Maybe Germans.
ZINGALES: One friend of mine was saying that the demise of the Italian firm family structure is the demise of the Italian family. In essence, when you used to have seven kids, one out of seven in the family was smart. You could find him. You could transfer the business within the family with a little bit of meritocracy and selection.
When you’re down to one or two kids, the chance that one is an idiot is pretty large. The result is that you can’t really transfer the business within the family. The biggest problem of Italy is actually fertility, in my view, because we don’t have enough kids. If you don’t have enough kids, you don’t have enough people to transfer. You don’t have enough young people to be dynamic.
The Italian culture has a lot of defects, but the entrepreneurship culture was there, has been there, and it still is there, but we don’t have enough young people.
What the Chinese are doing are taking over, mostly, the bars, the restaurants, the smaller things initially because those are the easier ones to enter. They’re many and they’re very dynamic. I think that’s exactly the Italian problem.
- コーエン
- ここにクオーツの記事があります。タイトルを読んでみます。数ヶ月前の記事ですので、既に御覧になったかもしれません。「イタリアでの新規起業家で最も一般的な姓は、フー、チェン、そしてシンである。」 ミラノで最も一般的ないし最も頻繁に現れる起業家の名前を見た場合、20番目に漸くイタリア名のコロンボが出てきます。
こうしたことは文化的に持続可能なのでしょうか? それとも、これがイタリアの未来なのでしょうか? つまり、東南アジアの一部が中国人、インド人、シーク教徒、等々によって経済的に植民地化されたようなことがイタリアでも起こるのでしょうか? ひょっとすると入植者はドイツ人かもしれませんね?- ジンガレス
- ある友人が言っていましたが、イタリアの家族構造の崩壊がイタリアの家族の崩壊につながっています。つまり、7人も子供がいた時代には、7人のうち1人は賢いはずです。その賢い子を見つけ出すことにより、家族の中で一種の実力主義と選抜を適用して事業を継続することができるわけです。