
銀行だ、というThe Economic Times記事をMostly Economicsが紹介している。以下は記事の冒頭部。

Banks, especially public sector and co-operative banks, have become the unlikely leading buyers of civilian firearms owing to rising crime against their property and an acute shortage of armed guards.

Banks have been ‘priority recipients’ of gun licences over the past three years, according to data sourced from top police commissionerates. Police departments in cities such as Mumbai, New Delhi and Bengaluru have been issuing up to 20 gun licences to banks every year, according to data sourced from top police commissionerates. Police departments in cities such as Mumbai, New Delhi and Bengaluru have been issuing up to 20 gun licences to banks every year, accounting for nearly 50 per cent of the new permits issued by city commissionerates annually.

Mostly Economicsは記事を基にその背景を以下のように解説している。

Why not just hire security guards instead? Well, first there is shortage of trained guards. Second, more interestingly due to change in regulations, banks (and other such firms) have to buy these arms themselves. One just can’t appoint armed guards. Get a guard and give him/her your gun.

Before the rule, individuals could buy such arms and look to armed guards as a job. Now even security companies could not hire such people. They had to first get gun licences and then look for people who could use these guns. This has led to serious crunch in number of armed guards as well.

The licences also take time to come and the overall process has led to worries over bank security.

Interesting bit. Tells you a lot about labour markets and how regulation shapes/restricts them..

なぜ銃を買う代わりに単に警備員を雇わないのか? まず最初に、訓練された警備員の不足という問題がある。第二に、もっと興味深い話として、規制変更によって銀行(および同様の企業)は自行でそれらの武器を買わなくてはならない。単に武装した警備員を指名するというわけにはいかないのだ。警備員を雇い入れて、彼もしくは彼女に自行の銃を渡さなくてはならない。