
Dave Gilesが表題のエントリ(原題は「The H-P Filter and Unit Roots」)で、以下のように記している

There's a widespread belief that application of the H-P filter will not only isolate the deterministic trend in a series, but it will also remove stochastic trends - i.e., unit roots. For instance, you'll often hear that if the H-P filter is applied to quarterly data, the filtered series will be stationary, even if the original series is integrated of order up to 4.
Is this really the case?


King, R. G. and S. T. Rebelo, 1993. Low-frequency filtering and real business cycles. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 17, 207-231.


This paper discusses in detail the Hodrick-Prescott (1980) filter from time and frequency domain perspectives, motivating it as a generalization of the exponential smoothing filter. We show that the HP filter — when applied to large samples — contains a centered fourth difference and hence renders stationary time series that are ‘difference-stationary’ and, indeed, integrated of higher order.
However, our application of the HP filter to U.S. time series and to the simulated outcomes of real business cycle models leads us to question its widespread use as a unique method of trend elimination. We provide examples of how HP filtering dramatically alters measures of persistence, variability, and comovement.

Cogley, T. and J. M. Nason, 1995. Effects of the Hodrick-Prescott filter on trend and difference stationary time series: Implications for business cycle research. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 19, 253-278.


When applied to persistent time series, the Hodrick-Prescott filter can generate business cycle dynamics even if none are present in the original data. Hence the presence of business cycles in HP filtered data does not imply that there are business cycles in the original data. For example, we show that standard real business cycle models do not generate business cycle dynamics in pre-filtered data and that the business cycles observed in HP filtered data are due to the filter. As another example, we show that under plausible assumptions HP stylized facts are determined primarily by the filter and reveal little about the dynamics of the underlying data.

Phillips, P. C. B. and S. Jin, 2015. Business cycles, trend elimination, and the HP filter. Cowles Discussion Paper No. 2005, Yale University.


We analyze trend elimination methods and business cycle estimation by data filtering of the type introduced by Whittaker (1923) and popularized in economics in a particular form by Hodrick and Prescott (1980/1997; HP). A limit theory is developed for the HP filter for various classes of stochastic trend, trend break, and trend stationary data. Properties of the filtered series are shown to depend closely on the choice of the smoothing parameter (λ). For instance, when λ = O(n4) where n is the sample size, and the HP filter is applied to an I(1) process, the filter does not remove the stochastic trend in the limit as n → ∞. Instead, the filter produces a smoothed Gaussian limit process that is differentiable to the 4'th order. The residual 'cyclical' process has the random wandering non-differentiable characteristics of Brownian motion, thereby explaining the frequently observed 'spurious cycle' effect of the HP filter. On the other hand, when λ = o(n), the filter reproduces the limit Brownian motion and eliminates the stochastic trend giving a zero 'cyclical' process. Simulations reveal that the λ = O(n4) limit theory provides a good approximation to the actual HP filter for sample sizes common in practical work. When it is used as a trend removal device, the HP filter therefore typically fails to eliminate stochastic trends, contrary to what is now standard belief in applied macroeconomics. The findings are related to recent public debates about the long run effects of the global financial crisis.


(図の原注)Random walk with a location shift at r0 = 0.5, shown against the HP filtered series and HP limit approximations (μ = 16×10-6 and μ = 10-10).

As is apparent, the limiting HP filter approximation with μ = 0.000016 (so that λ = μn4 = 1600) provides a very close approximation the actual HP filter with the usual setting λ = 1600, whereas when μ = 10-10 (or λ = μn4 = 0.1) the limiting HP approximation follows the fine grain course of the data in much greater detail, including the sharp level shift at the midpoint (r0 = 0.5)


One implication is that when the H-P filter is used to remove deterministic trends, it doesn't remove stochastic trends (unit roots)! This runs contrary to the accepted wisdom, and provides a formal, mathematical, explanation for the folklore (and the evidence provided by Cogley and Nason) that the H-P filter can generate "spurious cycles" in the filtered data.
このことの一つの含意は、非確率的なトレンドを除去するためのHPフィルタを用いる場合、確率的なトレンド(単位根)は除去されない、ということだ! これは一般に受け入れられた知識に反することであり、HPフィルタがフィルタ後のデータにおいて「偽の循環」を生み出し得る、という都市伝説(およびCogley=Nasonが提示した実証結果)に正式の数学的な説明を与えるものである。

*1:cf. ここ

*2:論文の注によると、2002年頃に配布したものの未完成のままだった論文を、2012年のブラードやクルーグマンの議論(cf. ここここ)を契機に完成させたとの由。


