
に関するサーベイ論文をコロンビアの中央銀行の研究者が書いている。論文のタイトルは「A Survey on the Effects of Sterilized Foreign Exchange Intervention」で、著者はMauricio Villamizar-Villegas、David Perez-Reyna。

In this paper we survey prominent theories that have shaped the literature on sterilized foreign exchange interventions. We identify three main strands of literature: 1) that which advocates the use of sterilized interventions; 2) that which deems sterilized interventions futile; and 3) that which requires some market friction in order for sterilized interventions to be effective. We contribute to the literature in three important ways. First, by reviewing new theoretical models that have surfaced within the last decade. Second, by further penetrating into the theory of interventions in order to analyze the key features that make each model distinct. And third, by only focusing on sterilized operations, which allows us to sidestep the effects induced by changes in the stock of money supply. Additionally, the models that we present comprise both a macro and micro-structure approach so as to provide a comprehensive view of the theory behind exchange rate intervention.

  1. 不胎化介入の使用を主張するもの
  2. 不胎化介入は無駄だと考えるもの
  3. 不胎化介入が効果的であるためには何らかの市場の摩擦が必要であるとするもの


  1. 過去10年間に現れた新たな理論モデルを概観した
  2. 各モデルを区別する重要な特徴を分析するために介入理論に関する洞察を深めた
  3. 不胎化介入にのみ焦点を当てることにより、貨幣供給残高の変化によってもたらされる効果を回避することができた
