
Economist's Viewが紹介し、本石町日記さんもツイートされているが、ブランコ・ミラノヴィッチが表題の件について考察している

As we enter 2015, it is not useless to look backwards in order to try to guess the trends of the future. I would argue that the age that we are, to some extent exiting now, and which extended from the early 1980s, can be called the “second age of imperialism”--the first one, in the modern history, having been the age of high imperialism 1870-1914.
In social sciences, the celebration of ahistorical “neo-imperialism” took its key shape in Francis Fukuyama’s “End of history”, which of course should not be understood as the end of conflict, but as humanity having reached a terminus in finding the most appropriate form of social organization: liberal capitalism. “The end of history”, in turn, justified (whether its author would have approved or not) the military adventures in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya where this final form of human organization were to be imposed on the heathens. When this became too difficult or costly, the “Fukuyamistas” withdraw, perhaps to regroup before trying again.
In economics, the second age of imperialism was best reflected in many doctrines and concepts that became discredited during the Great Recession (efficient markets, rational expectations, costless transactions, representative agent, “trickle-down” economics), but even more so in the Washington consensus. While the Washington consensus, the list of ten desirable economic policies to be implemented in the Third World, drawn by John Williamson and reflecting the views of the Washington establishment, had valuable insights, it provided a template for mindless imposition of policies that often, within the context of countries that were forced to implement them, were counterproductive. The Washington consensus was a perfect complement to Fukuyama’s “end of history” because it offered the ultimate economic policies to go together with Fukuyama’s ultimate political organization.
It is a great virtue, if one could say so, of Daron Acemoglu and James Robinson to have combined these two strands of neo-imperialist thought, into their institutional approach. The so-called inclusive institutions are just what your get when you put Fukuyama and the Washington consensus together. So, in Acemoglu and Robinson, on the one hand, and Niall Ferguson on the other, we have the perfect, and I would venture to say, the final intellectual products of the second age of imperialism. The Washington consensus was a perfect complement to Fukuyama’s “end of history” because it offered the ultimate economic policies to go together with Fukuyama’s ultimate political organization.
It is a great virtue, if one could say so, of Daron Acemoglu and James Robinson to have combined these two strands of neo-imperialist thought, into their institutional approach. The so-called inclusive institutions are just what your get when you put Fukuyama and the Washington consensus together. So, in Acemoglu and Robinson, on the one hand, and Niall Ferguson on the other, we have the perfect, and I would venture to say, the final intellectual products of the second age of imperialism.

なお、ここでアセモグル=ロビンソンと対比させたファーガソンについて、ミラノヴィッチはかなり否定的である。ミラノヴィッチはファーガソンの見方を「リビジョニスト」と呼んでいるが、10年前の彼の著書「The Pity of War*1を槍玉に挙げ、第一次世界大戦――ミラノヴィッチに言わせれば、フランス革命以来、過去2世紀で最も重要な出来事――の発生原因に関する偉人や偉大な思想や社会的な力に関する理論をまったく提供せず、偶発的な些細な出来事の積み重ねで第一次世界大戦が始まったという幼稚な説明を提供するに過ぎず、第一次世界大戦の事実に関する「リビジョニスト」理論の破綻を示した、とこき下ろしている。また、植民地主義を復活させたという点でもファーガソンのこれまでの仕事を槍玉に挙げ、英国の植民地は自由貿易圏であったという嘘の事実を広めた(ミラノヴィッチに言わせれば実態は買い手独占主義)、と批判している。


  1. 発展途上国の大部分が、植民地支配を脱した後1980年までの間に経済的に成功し自足的な経済を構築することに失敗した。また、共産主義が、もう一つの世界的イデオロギーとしての役割を終えた。
  2. 低所得者層のための借入拡大が実態をうまくカバーする形で)西側諸国の経済が比較的堅調に推移し、レーガンサッチャーの(反)革命と共産主義の没落を受けて、エリート層が自信を取り戻した。


では、これから先はどうなるか? その点についてミラノヴィッチは悲観的である。第二の帝国主義時代は、経済面では、大不況、10年に及ぶ日欧の成長の不在、数十年に亘る中流階級の平均賃金の伸びの不在、中国の予期せぬ成功、という障害に躓いた、とミラノヴィッチは言う。後二者は、包括的制度を重視するFAR(=Fukuyamistas and Acemoglu-Robinson)見解を否定するもの、というのが彼の解釈である。第二の帝国主義時代の間、中流階級は伸び悩み、従来の中道右派中道左派の信頼は失われ、極右や極左の政党が台頭し、ポピュリズムや外国人排斥や金権主義によって民主主義が脅かされるようになった、と彼は言う。


*2:cf. Wikipedia