
というNBER論文をダレル・ダフィーらが書いている。原題は「Robust Benchmark Design」で、著者はDarrell Duffie、Piotr Dworczak(いずれもスタンフォード大)。

Recent scandals over the manipulation of LIBOR and foreign exchange benchmarks have spurred policy discussions of the appropriate design of financial benchmarks. We solve a version of the problem faced by a financial benchmark administrator. Acting as a mechanism designer, the benchmark administrator constructs a "fixing," meaning an estimator of a market value or reference rate based on transactions or other submission data. The data are generated by agents whose profits depend on the realization of the estimator (the benchmark fixing). Agents can misreport, or trade at distorted prices, in order to manipulate the fixing. We characterize the best linear unbiased benchmark fixing.


Our main findings are the following. First, even if truthful reporting is implementable, it is not necessarily optimal from the viewpoint of overall efficiency, considering the potential for reporting distortions. Typically, an optimal benchmark will allow for a nonzero probability of manipulation. Second, a robust benchmark must put nearly zero weight on small transactions. This is intuitive, and stems from the fact that it is cheap for agents to make small manipulated transactions. Third, although the weight is always nondecreasing in the size of a transaction, the optimal benchmark assigns almost equal weight to all large transactions. This is in order to avoid overweighing manipulated transactions made by agents with particularly strong incentives to manipulate. Under conditions, our main result characterizes the exact shape of the optimal weighing function.