以前、こちらのエントリの末尾で、1930年代においてマリナー・エクルズFRB議長が果たした役割の評価が分かれた例を紹介したが、ノルウェー銀行の研究者がエクルズを正面切って擁護した論文を書いた。論文のタイトルは「Marriner S. Eccles and the 1951 Treasury–Federal Reserve Accord: Lessons for central bank independence」で、著者はThorvald Grung Moe。
The 1951 Treasury–Federal Reserve Accord is an important milestone in central bank history. It led to a lasting separation between monetary policy and the Treasury's debt-management powers and established an independent central bank focused on price and macroeconomic stability. This paper revisits the history of the Accord and elaborates on the role played by Marriner Eccles in the events leading up to the Accord. As chairman of the Board of Governors since 1934, Eccles was also instrumental in drafting key banking legislation that enabled the Federal Reserve System to assume a more independent role following the Accord. The global financial crisis has generated renewed interest in the Accord and its lessons for central bank independence. This paper shows that Eccles' support for the Accord—and central bank independence—was clearly linked to the strong inflationary pressures in the US economy at the time, and that he was equally supportive of deficit financing in the 1930s. This broader interpretation of the Accord holds the key to a more balanced view of Eccles's role at the Federal Reserve, where his contributions from the mid-1930s up to the Accord are seen as equally important. Accordingly, the Accord should not be viewed as the final triumph of central bank independence, but rather as an enlightened vision for a more symmetric policy role for central banks, with equal weight given to fighting inflation and preventing depressions.
本文では、アコードを中央銀行の独立の最終的な勝利と見做した例として、ここで紹介したGavyn DaviesのFTブログ記事が挙げられている。
Marriner Eccles has been accused of turning with the wind, and being a weak and inconsistent chairman and then an unexceptional member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. I view him rather as a pragmatic policymaker who understood that the appropriateness of the central bank’s policy tools and governance structure depends on the situation at hand. Therefore, central bank independence and inflation fighting should not be seen as a holy grail to be defended at all costs and at all times.