According to a new paper coauthored by Alan Krueger, the short-term unemployment rate works better than the standard unemployment rate in explaining changes in inflation, and according to this measure, the economy was about at its NAIRU in 2013. This finding is related to issues I discussed in a recent Times column.
The short-term unemployment rate is a much stronger predictor of inflation and real wage growth than the overall unemployment rate in the US. Even in good times, the long-term unemployed are on the margins of the labor market, with diminished job prospects and high labor force withdrawal rates, and as a result they exert little pressure on wage growth or inflation. Even after finding another job, reemployment does not fully reset the clock for the long-term unemployed, who are frequently jobless again soon after they gain reemployment: only 11 percent of those who were long-term unemployed in a given month returned to steady, full-time employment a year later. The long-term unemployed are spread throughout all corners of the economy, with a majority previously employed in sales and service jobs (36 percent) and blue collar jobs (28 percent), they find. In addition, the authors find that when long-term unemployed workers do return to work, there is a tendency to return to jobs in the same set of industries and occupations from which the workers were displaced.
Some may wish to draw macroeconomic policy implications from our findings. Only time will tell if inflation and real wage growth are more dependent on the short-term unemployment rate than total unemployment rate. To us, the most important policy challenges involve designing effective interventions to prevent the long-term unemployed from receding into the margins of the labor market or withdrawing from the labor force altogether, and supporting those who have left the labor force to engage in productive activities. Overcoming the obstacles that prevent many of the long-term unemployed from finding gainful employment, even in good times, will likely require a concerted effort by policy makers, social organizations, communities and families, in addition to appropriate monetary policy.
ちなみにNYTのEconomixでもビンヤミン・アップルバウム(Binyamin Appelbaum)がこの論文を取り上げているが、その記事は「Unemployed? You Might Never Work Again」と題されており、論文の趣旨に呼応する形で、失業が労働市場からの退出につながる危険性に警鐘を鳴らすものとなっている。
*1:ブルッキングス研究所が3月20-21日に開催した春の「Brookings Panel on Economic Activity」で提示した論文「Are the Long-Term Unemployed on the Margins of the Labor Market?」。著者はAlan B. Krueger、Judd Cramer、David Cho(いずれもプリンストン大)。