
ここで紹介した12/3エントリでマンキューはDavid Neumarkカリフォルニア大学アーバイン校教授らの最低賃金に関する研究を取り上げていたが、12/10エントリで今度はNeumarkのEconomix記事を取り上げた。



To provide an example, the blue line in the figure below shows the wages received by a single adult worker earning the minimum wage and working full time throughout the year. This can be interpreted as the income floor established by the minimum wage. The red line shows the level of family income when the earned-income tax credit for a family with two children is added (all in 2012 dollars). The lower line illustrates the income consequences of the real decline in the minimum wage. But the upper line shows that, because of the sharp increase in the generosity of the earned-income tax credit, the combined effect of the two policies is that the real income of this family is as high or higher than it was in past decades — when the real minimum wage was relatively high — and much higher than it was in most of the intervening years.


Nonetheless, there are important differences between the earned-income tax credit and the minimum wage. The fundamental difference is that the earned-income tax credit aims benefits at low-income families with children, rather than simply low-wage workers. This is in large part its virtue, and it makes a lot more sense than the minimum wage’s focus on low-wage workers. Do we really care if a low-wage teenager in a middle-class family makes an extra dollar an hour? Economists of all persuasions in the minimum-wage debate agree that mandated wage floors do a bad job of directing benefits to low-income families. This is confirmed in recent research by my graduate student Sam Lundstrom, calculating who would be affected by increasing the current federal minimum to $8.25 from $7.25. He finds that only 21.3 percent of the affected workers would be in poor families, while 30.9 percent would be in families with incomes more than three times the poverty line.
それにも関わらず、勤労所得税額控除最低賃金の間には重要な違いがある。根本的な違いは、勤労所得税額控除が単なる低賃金労働者というよりは子供を持つ低所得家庭の給付を対象にしている点である。これはその主な特長であり、最低賃金が低賃金労働者に焦点を当てていることに比べ大いに意味がある。低賃金を稼ぐ中流家庭のティーンエイジャーの時給が増えることにどれだけの意味があるだろうか? 最低賃金に関する議論での立場に関係なく、すべての経済学者は、低所得家計の給付を対象にするという点についてフロアの強制的な設定は効果的ではないことで合意している。このことは私が指導する院生のSam Lundstromによる最近の研究で確認された。その研究では、連邦の最低賃金が現行の7.25ドルから8.25ドルに上昇した場合に誰が影響を受けるかを計算したのだが、貧困家庭は影響を受ける労働者の21.3%に過ぎず、30.9%が貧困ラインの3倍以上の所得を得る家庭であることを見い出した。