
について分析した論文をEconomic Logicが紹介している。論文のタイトルは「Why are Goods and Services more Expensive in Rich Countries? Demand Complementarities and Cross-Country Price Differences」で、著者はミシガン大学のDaniel Murphy。

Empirical studies show that tradable consumption goods are more expensive in rich countries. This paper proposes a simple yet novel explanation for this apparent failure of the law of one price: Consumers' utility from tradable goods depends on their consumption of complementary goods and services. Monopolistically competitive firms charge higher prices in countries with more complementary goods and services because consumer demand is less elastic there. The paper embeds this explanation within a static Krugman (1980)-style model of international trade featuring differentiated tradable goods. Extended versions of the model can account for the high prices of services in rich countries, as well as for several stylized facts regarding investment rates and relative prices of investment and consumption across countries. The paper provides direct evidence in support of this new explanation. Using free-alongside-ship prices of U.S. and Chinese exports, I demonstrate that prices of specific subsets of tradable goods are higher in countries with high consumption of relevant complementary goods, conditional on per capita income and other country-level determinants of consumer goods prices.

論文では補完財の例として、ホーム・エンタテインメント・システムに対しTVルームを備えた住居、自動車に対し整備された道路や治安の良さを挙げている。それに対しEconomic Logicは、そもそも補完財の範囲が国ごとに違うため、同じ財として人々が捉えていないのではないか、そうなるとどこまでを同じ財と見做すかという測定問題に帰着してしまうのではないか、という疑問を投げ掛けている。

*1:cf. これ