

You know I was tempted to blast off at Dynamic-Stochastic General-Equilibrium models. That is, actually, my inclination. But on the other hand it occurred to me to ask the question: "What wouldn't be a Dynamic-Stochastic General-Equilibrium model?" That would be a Static-Certain Partial-Equilibrium model. It is hard to see how that represent any kind of an improvement. So I can't be against DSGE on principle.

Having said that, I think that, and maybe I will be proven wrong over time, there is a central question: Should we think of macroeconomics as being about--as it was thought about before Keynes, and came to be thought of again in the 1990s--cyclical fluctuations about a trend determined somewhere else, where the goal if you were successful was to reduce [the fluctuations'] amplitude; or as centrally about tragic accidents where millions of more people were unemployed for millions more person-years at costs of trillions of dollars in ways that were avoidable with more satisfactory economic arrangements.

Unless and until we adopt the second view, I think we are missing what is our principal opportunity to engage in human betterment. And as long as the question is conceptualized as "what friction should we insert into the existing DSGE model and we will have it?", I don't think we will get to the kind of perspective that I am advocating.

Now it is easy to say this, it is easy to say this. It is much harder to provide a constructive vision of just how to do it. But there are a number of schools of work that to date I think have been sufficiently abstract that they have not made easy connection with practical policy problems--schools that involve multiple equilibria, fragile equilibria, and so forth--that have the prospect of capturing the kind of notion that there are these periods in which you have a very bad outcome that you somehow could have avoided without compromising the future in a very serious way. It really is true that a little bit of avoiding what has happened over the past six years is worth a lot of making the amplitude of fluctuations around trend smaller. It seems hard to observe the past six years, which did not in fact achieve that much disinflation, and not think that it should somehow have been possible to avoid that waste.
お察しの通り、私はDSGEモデルを面罵したいという誘惑に駆られています。それが私の本当の気持ちです。しかしその一方で、こんな疑問も私の中で湧いています:「DSGEモデルでないモデルとはどんなモデルか?」 その答えは静学的な確実性を持った部分均衡モデルということになるでしょう。いかなる点においても、そうしたモデルを改善と見做すのは困難です。というわけで、本来的には私はDGSEモデルに反対することはできないのです。


*2:ここでは「which did not in fact achieve that much disinflation」の「not」は言い間違いと判断した。
[4/5修正]「原文で余計に(did)notを入れてしまう言い間違いというのはあまりありそうにないように思われる」というコメントを頂いたので、改めて元の録画(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxDW6CL-Qvwの1:15:30過ぎ)を確認したところ、実際には「didn't actually」と言っているように思われる。当初はデフレの脅威が喧伝された過去6年を(皮肉も込めて)ディスインフレが達成された状態と評したものと受け止めたが、インフレとデフレのいずれの脅威も無い状態をディスインフレと定義しているならば確かに否定形のままでも意味は通るので、そのように修正した(cf. ここで紹介されている4年前のインタビューでは彼は同時に両方の脅威を懸念している)。