
昨日紹介した論文を取り上げたEconomic Logicブログエントリでは、温暖化対策と割引率に関する論文を取り上げた同ブログの過去エントリに幾つかリンクしている。今日はそのうちの昨年10/1エントリで取り上げられた論文を紹介してみる。
論文のタイトルは「Climate policies deserve a negative discount rate」で、著者はプリンストンMarc Fleurbaeyと、ルネ・デカルト大学(パリ第5大学)Centre de Recherche Sens, Éthique, Société(CERSES)のStéphane Zuber。この論文は、昨日紹介した論文のいわゆる規範的アプローチの立場に立っている。


The discount rate only serves to measure the relative social priority of different individuals belonging to different generations. Therefore there is no need to worry about comparing the discount rate to the market interest rate, as a rational evaluation in terms of present value at the chosen discount rate will never fail to avoid dominated investments, and never fail to choose those with the greatest rate of return.
The key message of this paper is that discount rates are really to be computed between individuals (person-to-person), which gives a great role to inequalities within and between generations. In the very long run, Weitzman’s observation that the worst-case scenario drives the discount rate has to be supplemented by the fact the situation of the worst off at both ends of the investment will also drive the value of the discount rate.
Therefore, if climate policies such as mitigation efforts are paid by the affluent populations of the present generations and greatly benefit the worst off of the distant future generations in the most catastrophic scenarios, it is very likely that the correct discount rates for the evaluation of such policies should be negative, which means that a dollar of benefit in the distant future is worth more than a dollar of effort today.
In conclusion, we would like to recall that a rigorous evaluation of climate policies is particularly challenging because it requires rethinking the welfare economics of risk, time, and population. In such endeavor the utilitarian criterion, which remains prominent in the debates about discounting, should be questioned and, perhaps, replaced with other criteria that better combine a certain respect for the risk preferences of the population and a substantial degree of aversion to inequality.
Finally, we should recall a point that has been made already by Stern (2007). The discount rate is useful to evaluate small transfers of consumptions across individuals living at different times. It is not the all-purpose tool that can serve for all evaluations. It is not adapted to large scale changes, and it is also not adapted to evaluating policies that change the size of the population or the probabilities of different scenarios. For such policies one has to go back to the underlying social welfare criteria. This is an additional reason to pay attention to the selection of such criteria on sound ethical principles.

