この論文(タイトルは「Institutional Quality Database」で、著者はキール世界経済研究所のAljaz Kuncic;上図をリンクしたUDADISIの5/2付け元エントリはこちら)では、制度の質に関する指標を開発し、それを基にクラスター分析で世界を5段階に分類している。上図の通り、残念ながら日本は最上位の第5グループでは無く、第4グループに分類されている。
In this paper we emphasize the role of institutions in economic analysis. We describe and compare different institutional classifications systems, which is rarely done in the literature, and show how to operationalize institutional classification based on the subject category, as the most appropriate one. More than thirty established institutional indicators can be clustered into three homogenous groups of formal institutions: legal, political and economic, which capture to a large extent the complete formal institutional environment of a country. We compute the latent quality of legal, political and economic institutions with factor analysis for every country in the world and for every year, relative to the values of others. We propose aWorld Institutional Quality Ranking, through which we can follow whether a country is improving or worsening its relative institutional environment. The calculated latent institutional qualities can be especially useful in further panel data applications, and add to the usual practice of using simply one or another index of institutional quality to capture the institutional environment, so we make the Institutional Quality Database freely available online.