
欧州中央銀行が月報に書いているMostly Economics経由)。


This article has described several differences both in the causes as well as in the policy response behind Japan’s “lost decade” and the recent crisis in the United States and the euro area. The latter two are rather unlikely to tread precisely the path of Japan. At the same time, Japan’s experience highlights the difficulties for economies emerging from balance sheet recessions and unwinding large imbalances and shows that both the United States and the euro area face significant challenges to restore growth prospects and achieve a sustainable and enduring recovery. The recovery in both economies is thus likely to be sluggish and prone to uncertainty, in line with previous episodes following financial crises.
The Japanese experience also underlines the importance of removing impediments to growth through structural reforms. In the absence of these reforms, problems stemming from structural deficiencies are bound to reappear and the recovery is likely to be slow, fragile and prone to reversals. While unique in its own root causes and with a legacy which is not yet fully known, the euro area sovereign debt crisis has brought to the fore structural deficiencies and shortcomings in institutional arrangements. The growing awareness of the need for reforms in Europe, together with the concrete measures undertaken aimed at a return to sound public finances, a better capitalised banking system, strengthening of euro area governance and restoring countries’competitiveness, represent welcome steps in this direction.

Mostly Economicsは、レポートの著者たちはなぜそこまで楽観的になれるのか、と訝しみ、現状を考えるとユーロ圏が日本より悪いコースを辿る可能性もある、と指摘している。