There is still good in him...

昨日紹介したローレンス・ボールの論文*1では、2003年6月のFOMC会合の場でバーナンキが「変身」を遂げた、と主張している。それに対しMarcus Nunesは、バーナンキがその段階ではまだ以前の主張を保持していたという重要なサインをボールは見逃している、と指摘し同会合のトランスクリプトサイト)から以下の部分を引用している。

CHAIRMAN GREENSPAN. ...There is a very interesting question that I don’t know the answer to—and I suspect no one around the table does—yet it’s crucial. In the quantitative easing paradigm there is the general presumption—and it’s implicit in everything we talk about—that the relationship between money and prices is in the long run very close. The presumption is that if you increase the supply of money indefinitely, the price level has to go up, no matter what, or we all should turn our economic degrees back in to the universities that gave them to us. But what we don’t know and what unfortunately we assume, I think more subconsciously than anything else, is whether the pattern of going from increasing supply to increasing price levels is a continuum. We tend to believe that there is, in calculus terms, no discontinuity in the structure. I submit we don’t know that that is true. Indeed, I’ve always been concerned about the fact that the Japanese are pumping in, pumping in, and pumping in money. They’re going to increase their monetary base inordinately. The price level is going to stop moving down, then it’s going to start up, and then it’s going to explode, and the discontinuity there is a very dangerous phenomenon. We know the size of their debt, the supply of their instruments, and what their monetary system is doing.

There is no credible long-term possibility that a central bank can keep creating money, in many cases high-powered money, and the price level will continue to fall. That just is not credible.

But we are assuming that we can turn it around in a smooth and not discontinuous way and calibrate the changes in such a manner as to transmute a system of disinflation into one of moderate inflation. I hope that is true. I know we say that around this table without explicitly identifying it. I don’t know anybody who has proved it, and I suspect we will not know whether it’s true until we see an actual occurrence of this phenomenon. So, I just want to throw that on the table. If anybody on the staff has great insights into this, I’d love to see a memorandum on it.
CHAIRMAN GREENSPAN. Does anyone have anything else that they wish to communicate on this particular subject?

MR. BERNANKE. Mr. Chairman, the depression-era deflation ended quite smoothly. Inflation was minus 8 percent in 1932 and plus 1 percent in 1933. So there’s one example.

CHAIRMAN GREENSPAN. My recollection is that I was taught in small-sample theory that with an observation of one there’s a very high variance. Dino, would you start us off on the next part of our meeting?








So my answers to Vince’s four questions are, in short, that I agree with Bill Poole and Don Kohn that short-term nominal interest rates should be brought down quite low. I don’t have much sympathy or forbearance necessarily for protecting small segments of the financial markets.


With that in mind, the first of the three costs listed is the problem of compressing rates. By that I mean that the overnight federal funds rate regularly exceeds some other money market rates, including those on liquid deposits, many money market mutual funds, and collateralized financing in the RP market. Were the overnight federal funds rate to fall, those other instruments would have less room to preserve their typical spreads. In addition, the incentive for sharp-penciled reserve managers to trade funds in the market would diminish as the overnight rate falls, probably thinning brokering in the market. Two opposing points are worth noting. First, the high-cost providers of intermediation services in the money fund industry will be the ones feeling the initial pinch. Perhaps those are the firms that should appropriately lose out in the Darwinian competition for scarce resources. Second, there was an active federal funds market in the 1920s; but after the subsequent two decades of low overnight rates, it withered away and was not to revive until the early 1950s. Overall, my reading of the staff memo is that these two costs are inflicted on only narrow segments of financial markets. Still, trouble in even a narrow segment of the market can get quite a lot of attention in the media, potentially elevating the concern of the broader public about the economy and financial intermediaries.



