
Mostly Economicsで紹介された論文の冒頭部:

Every four years, 32 national soccer teams compete in the World Cup. This tournament, which is organised by the world soccer association FIFA, attracts attention from millions of fans across the globe. During the 2010 edition in South Africa, many matches were played during stock market trading hours. This presents us with a natural experiment to analyze possible fluctuations in investor attention.

The paper presents three key findings. First, we find strong evidence of decreased activity in stock markets during soccer matches at the 2010 World Cup. Trading activity dropped markedly, especially if the national team was one of the competitors. Compared to normal market circumstances, the median number of trades dropped by 45% if the national team was playing, while the volume dropped by around 55%. Second, we show how goals scored by either team led to an even stronger decline in the number of trades and offered quotes. Also, we find that market activity was already significantly below the benchmark right before the match started, and continued to be lower during the 45 minutes after the match had ended. Third, we show that also price formation was affected during the soccer matches, as the evolution of returns on national markets decoupled from those on global markets.

In the light of this, we conclude that markets were following developments on the soccer pitch rather than in the trading pit, leading to a changed price formation process.





