

Well, while we are being rude let me speak…
It’s not the individuals of course, but the culture. And culture is why Americans have succeeded in programming. So let me throw out some stereotypes that actually work as broad guidelines. When I speak of culture I am speaking of the ways of doing business and education in native countries. So when you work at a Japanese company, the corporate culture is very different than an American company. When you know how Germans are educated you know it makes a difference in their work ethic.

In Japan, collaboration and steadfastness are cultural hallmarks. Basically, when you work in Japanese terms. you get everybody together on an idea, you commit to the idea and get everyone’s agreement. Failure in Japanese terms means losing that consensus over time, or deviating from the promised goal. This makes for horrible software, because you always learn something new during development. But you must stick to the plan. On the upside, Japanese can be very imaginative and take great risks on long-term projects because of that consensus and dedication, just pick the right project..

In America, you pick a goal, then find a team to work on that goal find a funder to pay for it. If the goal changes, you change the team. That means there are always negotiations going on in the middle of a project. That’s good for software because when you learn something new, or need something new, you can reconfigure people, budgets, goals. On the downside it means a lot of stuff is never finished and sold too soon (to pay for all the change management). Creativity and flexibility are key. Americans jump around too much – which is why there’s only one Amazon.com and Bezos’ approach to his business is exceptional. (Somebody mentioned that jumping from Apple to Google is prohibited, but it begs the question of why do people have such short attention spans that they feel the need to jump). I think the American expectation that there is always derivative income in secondary markets (and in second place, marketshare-wise) has deleterious effects on quality control. But since you can make money selling Chryslers or spinning rims for Chryslers.. The best Americans all know that which is why they have so little patience with second-best, thus Microsoft hate and haters in general.

In Germany, you find a technical boss and everybody follows the boss. That can be excellent, if your boss is excellent. That’s good for software because it’s not easy to be a German boss, and it requires standards and collaboration. You get high quality and consistency throughout. What you don’t necessarily get is something that is intuitive to use or solves a problem people didn’t know they had. The German software industry is growing – they’re starting to do incubators and all that VC stuff. Interesting times are ahead.

My experience with Russians are that they are the best hackers. They trust themselves, they are self-contained and they work with meager resources and really sweat the details. I’ve worked with a few and I would love for all of my code to be eyeballed by a Russian programmer who’d make it work in less memory. I like the fatalism built into Russian engineering, makes stuff robust.

I also agree with what has been said about the Chinese. IP is meaningless. Chinese find monied interests and figure out what they’re going to do. As long as the venture works out to the satisfaction of the owners, the rest are details for the workers to figure out. In China, you are your skill and there is no prestige to be had for anything outside of competence, so find friends and do as much business as you can. Response to markets? What’s that? You work based upon the principles of your principals, period. It’s an extremely competitive approach, but what is creativity?

Indians are something like Russians in that they take pride in delivering at a minimum cost, they are unafraid to take scut work. The best Indian programmers tend to be insufferable and that is because they are actually very good and are often expected to work with other Indians who are simply competent, or worse. And you know this if you’ve worked with large numbers of Indian immigrants here in the states. Class systems are quickly established amongst them, and failure is berated. So in that regard they are like Germans, but much more friendly in general. But as has been said, neither German nor Russians nor Indians put a high value on creativity and flexibility. The communications and class barriers for Indians can be formidable, but a lot of difficulties I’ve observed have to do with the social dynamic of how Indians are employed. It’s complicated.

And to finish insulting everyone, I have never met a great French, Italian or Brit programmer. Great French sales guys, god you do not want to have to negotiate with them…






中国についての皆のコメントに僕も賛成する。知的所有権は彼らにとって意味を持たない。中国人は儲け話を見つけ、それを自分たちがどうするかを考える。ベンチャーがオーナーが満足するような結果を出している限り、残りの問題は労働者が自分たちで対処すべき細部のことに過ぎない。中国では自分は保有する技術のみによって表現される存在であり、能力以外には何の特権も持っていない。従って仲間を見つけて思う存分仕事をしなさい、というわけだ。市場への対応? なにそれ? 自分の仕事は自分の方針に従って行うものであり、それ以上のものではない。それは非常に競争的な手法ではあるが、創造性はいずこ?



ちなみにこのエントリの最初のコメンターは、「Japanese companies seem to be really terrible at IT」と書いており、日本のIT産業は駄目、というのは残念ながらある程度世界の共通認識になっているようである。