
日本語にすると駄洒落のようにも聞こえるが、クルーガーCEA委員長*1が先月21日の講演でそう述べているMostly Economics経由)。

...we are a resourceful, results-oriented people, with the capability to continually reinvent ourselves to pursue solutions that solve our problems. Winston Churchill reportedly said, “You can always count on the Americans to do the right thing – after they’ve tried everything else.”
There are two ways to interpret this quote. One, which is probably what Churchill meant, is that the answers to our problems are clear from the outset and that we go down many paths before choosing the one we should have started with.
The other interpretation – which is my preferred one – is that the solution to many of our problems may not be as clear cut as people think they are at the outset. Our system leads us to try lots of things. We Americans experiment a lot, and are good at shaking off setbacks and being persistent as we strive to improve ourselves. We are pragmatic. Once we find something that works we settle on it. We are Bayesians, in the sense that we learn from the past and try things until we get it right.
Our optimistic sense that we can solve our problems by pursuing a pragmatic approach is an enduring characteristic of our startup nation.

