“They’re very different people,” Summers said. “If you have a 2:00 meeting scheduled with Barack Obama, the meeting might begin at 10 of two … and it surely will have begun by 10 after two.” Summers added: “If you’ve sent him a 20-page memo before the meeting, he will have read the memo, and he will not appreciate your attempting to summarize the memo for him. … Your meeting will end with, ‘These are the three things I care about, if you want to do anything different than A, B or C, please come back to me.’ … Barack Obama [is] very impressive and sharp.”
With Clinton, Summers noted, “the chance that your meeting will have begun at 2:02 is zero. The chance that your meeting will have begun by 2:15 is about one in three. The chance that he will have read carefully your 20-page memo is about even … [but] in the five minutes you spend summarizing it for him, he will have absorbed virtually all the content. He will then have something to say. It might be, ‘I was in the White House library the other night and I happened to be reading the Journal of Finance, and this is what it says about dividend policy.’ Or, ‘I was at a conference at Brookings seven or eight years ago, and this is what they said about banking. … He will have some substantially incisive comments to make about things you wish you had thought of.”
「彼らはまったく違います」とサマーズは言った。「バラク・オバマと2時の会議を設定した場合、会議は2時10分前*1に始まるでしょう…2時10分までには確実に始まっているでしょう」 そして、サマーズは次のように付け加えた:「もし彼に20ページのメモを会議の前に送っておくと、彼はメモを読んでいることでしょう。そして、あなたが彼のためにメモを要約することを喜ばないでしょう。…会議の終わりには、彼はこう言うでしょう。『私はこの3つのことに関心がある。もしあなたがそのA,B,C以外のことをしたいと思うならば、改めて報告してほしい。』…バラク・オバマは非常に強い印象を残し、頭が切れます。」
*1:[11/6修正]Island LifeさんのTBで「10 of two" は "10 to two" と同じで「2時10分前」という意味のはず」というご指摘を頂いたので、「前」を追加。