This was the first time I’d attended an economics conference. But in my early adolescence, I did frequent another sort of hotel-bound gathering, and the resemblance was uncanny. The AEA is basically a Star Trek convention in suits. It’s a gathering of the same sort of geeks. The same combination of earnestness and awkwardness marks off and distinguishes the attendees from normal business travelers. Star Trek conventions have their celebrities, here’s George Takei, there’s Nichelle Nichols. The AEA has its celebrities as well: the Nobelists, the famous economists from Chicago, Harvard, and MIT whose papers you have read (or you pretend to have read). Like a kid at a Star Trek convention, I had great fun at the meetings. Still, there were undercurrents that made this affair feel less innocent — so many PhD students nervously interviewing for jobs; the networking and earnest introductions; the faint, polite stench of status competition. At a Star Trek convention, everyone wants to meet George Takei. No one is trying to become him.
ちなみにサムナーも1/12ブログエントリでそのワルドマンとの昼食について触れ、彼のファイナンスに関する博識ぶりに舌を巻いたと書いている。小生はこれまでワルドマンのことを、そのやや晦渋な文章と金融に関する造詣の深さから、実務界で一儲けした後に半ば隠遁生活を送っている中年男性だろうと勝手に想像していたので、サムナーの「young blogger...merely a grad student at Kentucky」という描写を読んで些か驚いた*2。
*1:他にScott Wentlandが同席したとの由。
*2:ぐぐってみると1年前のインタビューも見つかったが、そこには「I actually began as a Java programmer interested in collaborative decision-making as a technical question.」と書かれている。それから金融市場に惹かれていったとの由。