
昨年末に他界したアルフレッド・カーンのNYT追悼記事がそう題されている(Mostly Economics経由;原題は「A Champion of Plain English」)。書いたのは、カーンの民間航空委員会(CAB)委員長在任時にその下で主任エコノミストを勤めたというRobert H. Frank


“IF you can’t explain what you’re doing in plain English, you’re probably doing something wrong.”

With those words in a celebrated memo written shortly after he became chairman of the Civil Aeronautics Board, Alfred E. Kahn urged the lawyers and economists on his staff to express themselves more clearly when drafting board rulings and letters for his signature.
Mr. Kahn, who died late last month at the age of 93, was almost alone among his fellow economists in his devotion to clear, parsimonious language. The first impulse of many dismal scientists is instead to ask, “Isn’t there some way to make this idea more complicated?”

To be sure, the mathematical formalism that has become the hallmark of the discipline has led to progress on some occasions. But it did nothing to prevent the unclear thinking that helped precipitate the current economic crisis. Macroeconomists, in particular, might do well to consider a variant of Mr. Kahn’s dictum: “If you can’t describe what your model says in plain English without provoking derisive laughter, it probably doesn’t say anything of value.”


Mostly EconomicsのAmol Agrawalは、カーンのように平易な英語で経済学を説明することに価値を見い出す人がもっと沢山いれば良いのに、という感想を漏らしている。