
何だかクルーグマン有名な論説に真っ向から反しているような気もするが、サマーズがEconomic Policy Instituteでの「離任演説」でそう述べている。


I am under no illusion that increased demand alone is sufficient to restore America's economic health, but it is an unquestionably necessary component of a full recovery.
In a demand constrained economy like the one we have today and will have for several years, economics is turned topsy-turvy.
As Keynes pointed out in his celebrated Paradox of Thrift, individual efforts to save more lead to less total saving. More educated workers get jobs but with demand constraints those job opportunities come at the expense of their less educated neighbors. With demand constraints, increases in productivity may act to exacerbate deflationary pressures and increases in efficiency may result in more unemployment rather than more output.
That is why we have to drive recovery and remove the demand constraint on the economy.
At the same time, it is essential that we recognize that fiscal and monetary policy or increases in demand never made a society prosperous, fair, or strong.
We need to renew the American economy for a century that will be very different from its predecessor.
A key lesson that management strategists have distilled for businesses is this: you don't succeed by producing exactly the same thing that other people are producing in the same way just at a lower cost.
You succeed, by establishing your own uniqueness and excellence.
・・・where we compete with other countries, our strength is collective. Few of us can hope to succeed as individuals in a global economy where any particular task or skill can be purchased at very low prices in much of Asia and beyond. Rather, our strength must come from establishing uniqueness, establishing that which is difficult to replicate, that which comes from more collective action.
Where competition is concerned, the lesson for us as a nation is the same as the lesson for business: far better to compete by innovating, leading, and competing on strength, than by standing still, and reducing prices.



  1. 教育
    • かつてクリントン大統領は、アイディアも資本も国境を超える世界においては、国の強みは人に存する、と述べた。
  2. 個人主義や反逆児を尊び起業家を産み出す土壌を維持する一方で、そもそもそうした起業家が活躍できる公的インフラを整備する
  3. 長期的な財政の健全化
    • ボーモルの病モイニハンの系として、ボーモルの病は公的部門で顕著に発現する、というものがある。財政の医療関係費の増大が良い例*1

このSwamplandエントリを書いたMichael Schererは、3番目の財政の問題に焦点を当て、貧富の差を埋めるために財政政策の発動を求める公的部門の労組やリベラル派はこのサマーズの講演を心して読むべし、と書いている*2
一方、Schererの皮肉ったリベラル派に属するであろうEconomist's ViewのMark Thomaは、サマーズの言うグローバルな競争に関しては、どうしても取り残される人が出てくるだろう、と指摘した上で、それによる貧富の差を埋めるために行動するかしないかは我々の直面する重大な問題の一つだ、と書いている。

*1:cf. この記事この記事この著作
