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ザ・クオンツ  世界経済を破壊した天才たち

ザ・クオンツ 世界経済を破壊した天才たち


...That’s the thing that I’ve found, some of these quants really do have a mad scientist approach. They come up with these theories and these models, and they throw them out in the world and say, “OK, let’s see if this blows up.” If it does, cool, because you’ve got more stuff to research, but they’re dealing with people’s financial lives, Americans and people increasingly around the world are putting their livelihoods and their retirements into financial markets. I find it somewhat disturbing that there’s this ‘devil may care’ attitude about it. That may have been fine if you’re just talking about a prop trading desk or maybe a couple of decades ago when everybody didn’t have their money in 401(k)s and pension plans, we are really taking care of people’s retirements, but now, the financial markets have become so engrained in everybody’s lives that this attitude that I have found a lot, that it really doesn’t matter, and Wall Street guys are going to be fine at the end of the day. They make so much money that if you hit a downturn…I know that things have been tough the last few years, but these people still have jobs.

Q: The funny thing is that the 1929 crash did not get back to break even on a nominal basis until 1954, and a lot of the explanation is all the rigged market shenanigans and the trusts and the crazy stuff that went on, people finally recognized that the game was fixed and an entire generation of investors and traders said, “Not for me, this is just a scam and I want nothing to do with it,” Which is why it took almost a decade after World War II to get back to the 1929 peak.

Given the 2000 collapse and the ’08-’09 collapse, and interrelations between the two of them, plus the housing collapse, I have to think that Wall Street guys can’t really say that anymore, “Oh, it’s just a model, it’s just so much math,” because if you lose another generation, do we really want to hang around to 2028 before we get back to break even? That seems like a long time. It’s a decade past the peak in the NASDAQ and we’re still 50 percent below the old highs.

A: Yeah, I don’t know if we’ll ever get back to that.

Q: If we compound at 2 percent, it will eventually get there.

A: In our lifetime, yeah.


2000年の暴落、そして2008-09年の暴落、および両者の間の関連、加えて住宅市場の崩壊、という経緯を考えると、ウォール街の連中は「ただのモデルですよ、ただの盛り沢山の数学ですよ」というようなことはもう言えないのではないか、と私は強く思う。もしここでまた一世代失ったら、元の水準を回復する2028年までは、それ以下の水準をうろうろすることになるが、彼らはそれで良いのか? それはちょっと長過ぎるのではないか? NASDAQのピーク時から既に10年経ったが、今は未だにその時の半分以下の水準だ。
