昨日に続き、ソロスの新経済理論研究所(Institute for New Economic Thinking)の今年4月のカンファレンスの発表論文を紹介する。今日は、ジェレミー・シーゲルの効率的市場仮説擁護論のサマリを引用してみる。
Our recent crisis wasn't due to the Efficient Market Hypothesis. The EMF never implies that risk is zero and that the market prices are right. Ex post, market prices can be very wrong. Although there were many that warned that market prices were too high (my good friend Robert Shiller being one of them) there were many reasoned opinions that a shift in fundamentals justified higher prices.
It is also very likely that real risks were lower in the economy in 2006 before the financial firms became over-leveraged. But the leverage was far too high for even the reduced levels of risks. Just because the auto industry built a safer car does not mean that you can drive it safely at 150 mph. Firm management and US regulators were negligent at monitoring this risk. When the financial firms hit a bump on the road, they spun out of control and crashed, dragging the world economy down with it.