
ベンジャミン・フリードマン(Benjamin Friedman)とケネス・カトナー(Kenneth Kuttner)の論文「Implementation of Monetary Policy: How Do Central Banks Set Interest Rates?*1を取り上げたWSJブログ記事がそう題されている(原題は「Words, Not Deeds, Are Central Bank’s Main Power」;Mostly Economics経由)。


Fed officials have argued managing market expectations is the key. If the Fed appears to remain a credible guardian of price stability, then inflation should remain in check. While that may seem like a rather ephemeral bulwark against an inflation surge, the paper says it’s this very notion of expectations and communications that drives policy in the best of times too. Put another way, the paper flags how central bank interest-rate decisions have become detached from the nation’s money stock.
“There is little if any observable relationship between the interest rates that most central banks are setting and the quantities of reserves that they are supplying,” the paper said. Studies of central banking action “consistently show no relationship between movements in policy interest rates and the supply of reserves” in the U.S., the euro zone and Japan, it added.
Instead, the change in rates across the yield curve, driven by a central bank shift in a very short-term rate few actually can access, is tied to what the institution has told financial markets.
“The announcement effect has displaced the liquidity effect as the fulcrum of monetary policy implementation,” the economists wrote. When it comes to the U.S. central bank, “on many occasions, moving the federal funds rate appears to have required no, or almost no, central bank transactions at all”–the market did the Fed’s work for it, the paper stated.


This is one point I keep emphasizing, monetary policy is most effective when the central bank signals future policy intentions; movements in the fed funds rate only matter to the extent that they signal future policy intentions. This means that when the central bank appears to be “doing nothing” it actually might be quite active. ・・・ As soon as a massive fiscal stimulus is passed, and conservatives start worrying about inflation, then central banks start chattering about exit strategies. This chatter is monetary tightening, just as surely as a rise in the fed funds rate.



*2:cf. ここ