
Lars Calmforsというストックホルム大学教授が表題の小論を書いているMostly Economics経由;「個人的経験に基づく考察」という副題が添えられている原題は「The role of research and researchers in economic policy-making: some reflections based on personal experiences」)。


There seem to exist two polar views about the relationship between economic research and economic policy.
The first can be labelled the idealistic economist’s view. It is the one that most researchers start out their careers with. According to that view, policy is conducted by well-intending politicians, who try to maximise a well-defined social preference function. Therefore they are eager to get all the relevant knowledge about the economic relationships they can from researchers. Researchers in turn deliver the knowledge demanded and manage perfectly to separate their own value judgements from the analysis.
The polar view is the cynical economist’s view. It maintains that politicians have no genuine interest in research. Politicians act as representatives of various interests and/or try to strike a balance between their preferences and the desire to get re-elected. All they want are research results supporting the policies they have already decided. So, they systematically refer to such results and try to discredit other research. The use of research results is just one of many means a politician can use to further his or her political aims. If so, research had better be selfcontained within academia and we should not really try to disseminate research to politicians, as they will anyway misuse it.
There is a parallel to the cynical economist’s view on the part of politicians: there is also a cynical politician’s view of economic research. According to that, economics is not really a science. Instead, economic research is just a way of finding “scientific” motivations for economists’ ideological prejudices. To the extent that politicians hold such views, it is likely to lead precisely to the selective use of research results that the cynical economist fears and thus serves to underpin that view of the behaviour of politicians.
Which view, the idealistic economist’s or the cynical economist’s is more correct? The truth is, of course, somewhere in between. But, unfortunately, I believe the cynical economist is more often right than the idealistic one.
理想主義的経済学者見解と冷笑的経済学者見解のどちらがより正しいのだろうか? 真実は、もちろん、その中間のどこか、ということになる。しかし、残念ながら、冷笑的経済学者が理想主義的経済学者より正しいことが多いように思われる。



  • A primary role of economic researchers in policy making is to help draw a clear line between value judgements and economic analysis. This is, of course, rather selfevident, but it can never be repeated too often, as politicians’ incentives to confound analysis and value judgements in order to market their policies are often very strong.
  • Proper institutions are key to making sure that economic research influences policymaking in an appropriate way.
  • In-house policy advising by economic researchers often fails, because researchers are too uncompetitive in the political infighting inside the government administration.
  • This is a strong argument for establishing independent bodies for public evaluation of policy by researchers who then influence policy not directly, but indirectly via the public debate. This also strengthens the position of in-house economic advisers, who are likely to be listened to more if there is regular and transparent outside evaluation of policies. So, outside evaluation may act as a complement to in-house advising, both raising its quality and giving it more clout.
  • Independent outside institutions can gain credibility by sticking strictly to positive analysis and abstaining from policy recommendations. But making policy recommendations, also when value judgements are involved, is often desirable, because researchers are better than politicians at explaining when they build only on pure analysis and when they also add value judgements to the analysis. The reason is, of course, that researchers are schooled in doing just that. In fact, I believe it to be a very important task of researchers to provide pedagogical examples in the public debate of how one combines analysis and value judgements to reach a policy conclusion. Many economists are afraid to do this. I think we should be more courageous.


  • 政策策定における経済学研究者の主たる役割は、価値判断と経済分析の間に明確な線を引くことを手伝うことである。これは自明な話ではあるが、政治家が自らの政策を売り込むために分析と価値判断を混同するインセンティブがしばしば非常に強いことに鑑みると、繰り返し強調してもし過ぎることは無い。
  • きちんとした機関の存在は、経済学研究が政策策定に適切な影響を与える上で不可欠である。
  • 経済学者が政府内に入り込んで助言をすることは、しばしば失敗に終わる。というのは、政府部門内での政治闘争において、研究者たちはあまりにも無力だからである。
  • 研究者が政策を公けに評価する独立機関を設立すべき、という主張には十分な根拠がある。それによって研究者は、直接的にではなく、公けの議論を通じて間接的に政策に影響を与えることになる。このことはまた、政府内の経済アドバイザーの立場も強化する。定期的かつ透明な外部の政策評価があれば、彼らの言うことにもっと耳を傾けよう、ということになるからだ。つまり、外部からの評価は政府内部での助言を補完する格好になり、それはまた、その外部評価が質ならびに影響力の面で向上することにつながる。
  • 外部の独立機関は、自らの役割を実証分析に限定し、政策推奨を放棄することで信頼性を得ることができる。しかし、価値判断を伴う場合を含め、政策推奨を行うのが望ましい場合が多々ある。というのは、純粋な研究に基づいているケースとそれに価値判断が加わっているケースを区別して説明することに関しては、研究者の方が政治家よりも優れているからだ。その理由はもちろん、研究者はまさにそうした教育を受けているからである。実際、政治的結論に達する際に分析と価値判断をどのように結び付けるべきかを公けの議論において示す教育的手本となることは、研究者の極めて大切な任務だと私は信ずる。多くの経済学者はそうすることを恐れている。我々はもっと勇気を奮い起こすべき、と私は思う。


*2:論文のその箇所の小題は「Finland’s decision not to join the euro」となっているが、「not」は誤記と思われる。