

SHAKE the ketchup from the bottle/first, a little, then a lottle. We've all struggled to deal with Heinz's best known variety. And the pseudoplastic nature of the sauce helps explain why quantitative easing could, if things go wrong, end up in hyperinflation. As Tim Lee of pi Economics suggests

The central bank keeps "shaking the bottle" (ie monetising debt) but no ketchup (ie inflation) comes out - so it shakes even harder. In the end, the ketchup comes out in an inflationary rush.

The ketchup theory of inflation - Inflation and sovereign debt




このケチャップ理論(Ketchup theory)という用語はどの程度使われているのかと思ってぐぐってみると、以下のような記事もあった。

...I'm a believer in the ketchup theory of monetary policy. When central banks gradually tighten policy by raising the official interest rate, the dampening effect on demand isn't linear.
For a long time it looks like what you're doing is having no effect - and then one day the dam bursts. You shake and shake the ketchup bottle, none'll come and then a lot'll.
Why does it work like that? Because when you're battling to cool a boom, you're fighting what's politely called "business and consumer confidence", but which Keynes much more revealingly referred to as animal spirits.
And with animal spirits, they're either up or they're down, they're on or they're off. I've seen enough signs in the indicators to convince me the public has switched from go to whoa.

Ketchup theory will slow economy sharply

どうしてそのようになるのだろうか? 理由は、好景気を沈静化しようとする時には、「企業と消費者の信頼感」と礼儀正しくも呼ばれているものを相手にしなくてはならないからだ。ケインズは、もっとぶっちゃけて、それをアニマル・スピリットと呼んだ。

読んでお分かりの通り、ここでケチャップ理論は金融緩和とは逆の金融引き締めについて使われている。これはシドニー・モーニング・ヘラルド(The Sydney Morning Herald)のRoss Gittinsという経済担当編集者が2年前に書いた記事だが、金融引き締め策によって豪州景気が予想以上に急減速し、深刻な不況に陥ることを予言しているわけだ。しかし周知の通り、この予言は大外れし、豪州中銀の総裁は新・マエストロとさえ呼ばれている


This search for yield can be the rational response of a financial firm that knows that without higher yields, it will surely be unable to meet its obligation. It can be the quasi-rational response of a household that knows that at the prevailing low rates it will be unable to ever build its nest egg to desired levels unless it takes more risk. Thus it is possible that households and financial firms shift into riskier assets, boosting asset prices, and seeding asset price booms. Much of this shift can be non-linear, increasing substantially as interest rates fall below levels households and financial firms feel they can tolerate.
