
Economist's View経由でMostly Economicsというブログの存在を知った。ブログ主はAmol Agrawalというインド人だが、ぐぐってみても特にどこかの大学に勤めているというわけではないらしい。ただ、それなりに文章を書いたりする人ではあるようだ
Economist's Viewがリンクしていたのは、ノーベル経済学者が経済学を志したきっかけを取り上げたエントリである。それも面白いのだが、ポーゼンの講演における比喩を紹介した記事が目に留まったので、先日Hicksianさんが同氏を取り上げたこともあり、長さも手頃なので、今日はそれを翻訳してみる。

I give the analogy that normal monetary policy by interest rate setting is like driving a new Range Rover down the M4 on a commute: one knows how long it will take to get to the desired exit; the ride is smooth, well-marked and familiar; any particular causes of delays beyond normal traffic are clearly visible and swiftly cleared. Unconventional monetary policy, including QE, is like making the same trip but: doing so in an urgent hurry; driving a 10 year old used Vauxhall Vectra with a cranky transmission; down a rural road because the M4 is closed; without a good map or signage, and with all kinds of strange surprises blocking traffic. You will get where you are going using QE, but you are not sure how long it will take to get there, and you will not enjoy the ride. In other words, we can be confident that the coefficient of QE’s effect on nominal income is positive, and therefore that the British economy would have been stuck in a far worse place had QE not been implemented, but we cannot pretend to have precise knowledge of the size or timing of QE’s impact.
