The Federal Reserve can manipulate some market interest rates by printing money and using it to buy securities. If it buys massive quantities of mortgage securities by printing dollar bills, it can lower the interest rate on those securities. In theory, the Fed could do this by exchanging mackerel for mortgage securities just as well as by exchanging money for mortgage securities.
However, I am not sure how long they can keep it up. At some point, market participants will think, "The Fed is not going to keep buying these things forever. When they stop buying, the price will fall." And such thinking will dampen prices (raise interest rates) today. The longer the Fed fights the market, and the more government keeps spending on other stuff, the greater the likelihood that too much will be financed by printing money, and we will have hyperinflation. As long as we know that the Fed is afraid of hyperinflation, then it has a limited supply of money, just as it would have a limited supply of mackerel.
Suppose that the Fed had decided to print a lot more money at some point last year. The Scott Sumner thesis is that this would have raised nominal GDP. In my view, the fall in nominal GDP was due to the fact that real GDP had to fall. Real GDP had to fall, because the economy was beginning a Great Recalculation. The Great Recalculation was mostly due to the end of the housing bubble and the shrinking of the financial sector. It was probably exacerbated by the panic generated by Paulson and Bernanke. I do not see how the Recalculation was helped by the bailouts, which were huge transfers from future U.S. taxpayers to current large creditor institutions, including many overseas. I do not see how the Recalculation would have been helped by the Fed suddenly printing a whole lot more money. In terms of MV = PY, I see PY as largely outside of the Fed's control--the P part was determined by the combination of habit and gradual adjustment in the Great Recalculation, and the Y part was determined by the frictions involved in the Great Recalculation. So if we could rewind the tape to some time in 2008, hold everything else equal, and have more M, I think we would see essentially a 100 % offset in V.
I Deny (the significance of) MV = PY - Econlib(拙訳)
昨年のある時点でFRBが大量の紙幣を刷る決断をしたとしよう。スコット・サムナーの理論によれば、それにより名目GDPが引き上げられたはずだという。私の見方では、名目GDPの低下は、実質GDPが低下する必要があったためだった。実質GDPが低下したのは、経済が大再計算(Great Recalculation)を始めたためだ。大再計算は、主に住宅バブルの終焉と金融セクターの縮小が原因だった。加えて、ポールソンとバーナンキが引き起こしたパニックが、状況をおそらく悪化させた。再計算が金融機関の救済措置によって助けられたとは思わない。その救済措置は、将来の納税者から大手の債権者の金融機関への巨額の所得移転だった。それらの金融機関には海外のものも多く含まれていた。また、FRBが突然大量の紙幣を刷ったとしても、再計算の助けにはならなかっただろう。MV=PYの関係式で言えば、PYはFRBのコントロールの埒外にあると思う――Pは習慣と大再計算における段階的な調整の組み合わせによって決められ、Yは大再計算における摩擦によって決められた。だから、もし2008年のある時点に戻って、他の条件が同じ中でMだけを増やしたとしても、基本的にはVの下落で100%帳消しにされたはずだ。
I do not think that central banks control nominal GDP any more tightly during a hyperinflation than at other times. That is, in normal times, if nominal GDP wants to grow at a 5 percent annual rate next quarter, the central bank cannot hit a 10 percent target. In hyperinflation, if nominal GDP wants to grow at a 10,000 percent annual rate next quarter, the central bank cannot hit a 10,005 percent target.
Like most economists, I view real GDP in the long run as determined by real factors, such as the supply of factors of production, the state of technology, and the nature of economic and cultural institutions. However, I view average prices in monetary units as reflecting habits. The government can change people's habitual price behavior only by making significant, long-lasting changes in the amount of deficit that it finances by printing money. On the other hand, changes in money-printing that are modest and short-term have essentially no effect.
Think of monetary policy as being like currency intervention. It seems as though it is very difficult for a government to maintain a currency at a value that the market views as unrealistic. Similarly, it is very difficult for the government to maintain an interest rate at a level that the market views as unrealistic.
Another way to express my view is that there is a probability distribution for nominal GDP growth. By printing money much faster starting today and persisting for several years, the government can raise both the mean and the variance of the distribution of nominal GDP growth many years from now. However, in the short run, both the mean and the variance are determined by things that have happened in the past, including past monetary policy but also including Recalculations and other factors that affect real GDP as well as past habits of price-setting.
Sumner's view of the causal ordering of the current recession is that the Fed cut M, which reduced nominal GDP, which reduced real GDP. My view is that the Recalculation reduced real GDP, which also slowed the rate of price increase. The standard view is that there was a huge increase in the demand for M, which lowered nominal GDP. An interesting question is whether it is possible to use data to evaluate these differing explanations.
My Bizarre Monetary Theory, Continued - Econlib(拙訳)
In short, the bizarre monetary hypothesis that I am proposing is that monetary policy only affects nominal expenditure in the long run, and in the long run monetary policy affects inflation rather than real output.
Tyler Cowen on Macro (and me on Bizarre Monetary Theory) - Econlib(拙訳)