
9/11のワシントンブログに、債務不履行に陥った大手銀行を分割しなければ経済は回復しない、と主張している経済学者や金融専門家の一覧が挙げられていた(The Big Pictureでもリンクを張っている)。


  • 財務副長官のニール・ウォリン(Neal S. Wolin)
    • “Special resolution authority would give the government the tools it needs to let firms fail in times of severe economic distress without destabilizing the entire financial system”
  • 議会監視委員会(Congressional Oversight Panel)
    • 報告書で“While the total cost of the various options is open to doubt, liquidation provides clarity relatively quickly. In that sense, allowing institutions to fail in a structured manner supervised by appropriate regulators offers a clearer exit strategy than allowing those institutions to drift into government control piecemeal. Liquidation is less likely to be open-ended and stretch over years, as subsidization did in Japan.”と記述(…日本が反面教師)
  • FDIC総裁シーラ・ベア
    • 3/19の議会証言で「'Too Big to Fail'戦略は終わらせねばならない」と発言
  • 経済学部教授でS&L危機時の規制当局高官だったウイリアム・ブラック(William K. Black)
    • 現在の政権はS&L処理の成功体験に学ばずに、日本の失われた10年を招いたやり方を踏襲している
    • “We adopted a law after the Savings and Loan crisis, called the Prompt Corrective Action Law. And it requires them to close these institutions. And they're refusing to obey the law.”
    • “So, now we get in trouble, and what do we do? We adopt the Japanese approach of lying about the assets. And you know what? It's working just as well as it did in Japan.”
  • 経済学部教授のヌリエル・ルービニ
    • ブルームバーグ・ラジオのインタビューで「Bank takeovers worsened the financial crisis by making firms that were already too big even bigger」と述べる
    • “The institutions are insolvent. You have to take them over and you have to split them up into three or four national banks, rather than having a humongous monster that is too big to fail.”



