
昨日紹介したEconomics of Contemptブログエントリでは、ベアのほかに、フェルドシュタインも槍玉に上げられていた。

Harvard economist Martin Feldstein, in his capacity as an AIG board member, actually opposed accepting a Fed rescue. According to Wessel, Feldstein "said it wasn't the government's role to forcibly buy private companies." (Apparently Feldstein thought his duty was to his personal economic philosophy, rather than to the shareholders. What a clown.)


You showed some disgust that Martin Feldstein held to his personal convictions with regards to an AIG bailout. Feldstein simply believed that the company should take responsibility for its actions.

I think it is refreshing that he held to his personal convictions even though it may have hurt him personally or financially.

Economics of Contempt: Quotes/Revelations from Wessel Book

So Feldstein opposed a bailout that would have benefited his firm (and perhaps him personally) on principle. That's what most people would call courage, integrity, and honesty.

Part of a director's responsibility is to his company. However, director's are also citizens. Clearly, Feldstein put citizenship (as he saw it) first.

Economics of Contempt: Quotes/Revelations from Wessel Book


Feldstein is a clown for saying that. His personal convictions are admirable and agreeable. But he needs to act in the role of Director with fiduciary; you don't want your Directors introduces other agendas, they are supposed to act on behalf of the shareholders. They are paid to do that job, handsomely, they are not paid to weigh in on public policy

Economics of Contempt: Quotes/Revelations from Wessel Book

On Feldstein, his job was to look out for the interests of his employer. Other people will defend the govt's interests. In our system, each side gets to present its case. We want each side to be well defended. Don't we?

Economics of Contempt: Quotes/Revelations from Wessel Book