
Nick Roweが貨幣数量方程式を取り上げた6/15WCIブログエントリにスコット・サムナーが寄せたコメントについて、ケインズの一般理論の15章を引用して小生がコメントしたところ、突然サムナーが猛反発したので驚いた。


With all due respect to Keynes, the quotations you provide are horribly confused. His statement that if you define V as not equal to Y/M1, but rather equal to Y/M, then it is a truism, is just a nonsensical statement. If you "define" V either way it is a truism. I've never sensed that Keynes understood the MV=PY equation, nor does he seem to have any idea what the "Quantity Theory" is. The Quantity theory is a hypothesized causal relationship. MV=PY is not the "Quantity Theory," It's not a theory at all.
His theory of liquidity preference is worthless, as it doesn't account for inflationary expectations. Maybe "worthless" is too strong, but say valueless for it's major application--the liquidity trap.


サムナーがクルーグマンを良く取り上げることから、漠然と経済思想もクルーグマンに近いのだろうな、と思っていたので、このケインズ批判には面食らった。そこで改めて彼のブログを見てみたところ、一般理論を批判したエントリ(2009/2/17付け)を見つけた(このエントリはMarginal Revolutionのタイラー・コーエンも褒めている)。以下はその引用。

Elsewhere I have argued that Keynes never really developed an adequate model of what those constraints were. At times he hints at the famous “liquidity trap” concept. But if monetary policy has a long run effect on nominal spending, then in principle there should be no “trap”–as monetary expansion would raise the expected rate of inflation, and depress real interest rates at the zero bound. In the GT he only suggests one example of extreme liquidity preference–the 1932 Fed open market purchases. In this case, however, the problem wasn’t a liquidity trap, it was the constraints of the international gold standard.



At some point one has to stop giving the BOJ the benefit of the doubt, and assume that the steady 1% to 2% percent deflation experienced almost continually from 1994 to today reflects the BOJ policy preferences, and is not a “trap” at all.

Krugman argued that liquidity traps are actually “expectations traps” and that the BOJ was a prisoner of its own conservative reputation. I certainly wouldn’t argue with Krugman’s assertion that money supply increases that are expected to be temporary will have little or no impact on AD (as I made this argument (in the JEH) 5 years before he did.) But to call this a “trap” one would have to assume that the BOJ sincerely wanted to end the deflation. Unfortunately, there is no evidence (in their behavior) that they did.

クルーグマン流動性の罠は実際には「期待の罠」だと論じ、日銀は自らの通貨の番人としての評価に囚われたのだ、と述べた。一時的と予想される通貨供給の拡大が、総需要にほとんどもしくは何の影響も与えない、というクルーグマンの主張は、私にとって何の問題もない(私自身、彼の5年前にそうした主張をJournal of Economic Historyで述べた)。しかし、これを「罠」と呼ぶためには、日銀が本気でデフレを終わらせようとしたと仮定しなくてはならない。不幸なことに、(彼らの行動から見て)彼らがそうしようとした証拠は何も無い。


