


...rather than welcoming the opportunity to recapitalize, perhaps with government help, the banks seem to prefer a Japanese-style response: we will muddle through.

“Zombie” banks – dead but still walking among the living – are, in Ed Kane’s immortal words, “gambling on resurrection.”
The American government, too, is betting on muddling through: the Fed’s measures and government guarantees mean that banks have access to low-cost funds, and lending rates are high. If nothing nasty happens – losses on mortgages, commercial real estate, business loans, and credit cards – the banks might just be able to make it through without another crisis. In a few years time, the banks will be recapitalized, and the economy will return to normal. This is the rosy scenario.

But experiences around the world suggest that this is a risky outlook.

The Spring of the Zombies by Joseph E. Stiglitz - Project Syndicate



What we’re really seeing here is a decision on the part of President Obama and his officials to muddle through the financial crisis, hoping that the banks can earn their way back to health.
...maybe we can let the economy fix the banks instead of the other way around.

But there are many things that could go wrong.

It’s not at all clear that credit from the Fed, Fannie and Freddie can fully substitute for a healthy banking system. If it can’t, the muddle-through strategy will turn out to be a recipe for a prolonged, Japanese-style era of high unemployment and weak growth.





これについてEconomist's ViewのMark Thomaは、確かに今のオバマ政権のやり方は、国有化よりも安上がりで政治的困難も少ないかもしれないが、その代わりスピードと確実性を犠牲にしている、と指摘している。そして、既に国有化に進路を切り替えるのは政治的にも財政的にも著しく困難なので、もし現行方針が失敗したら、今度は本当にマドルスルーしか選択肢がなくなる、それを危惧しているのだ、と述べている。
