


  • timely 「速やかに」
    • because the need for action is immediate(理由:即座の行動が求められている)
  • large 「巨額の」
    • because the current and expected decrease in private demand is exceptionally large(理由:現在および予想される民間需要の落ち込みは非常に大きい)
  • lasting 「一定期間」
    • because the downturn will last for some time(理由:景気後退はしばらく続く)
  • diversified 「多様な手段で」
    • because of the unusual degree of uncertainty associated with any single measure(理由:単一手段に頼るのはいつになく不確実性が大きい)
  • contingent 「条件付きで」
    • because the need to reduce the perceived probability of another “Great Depression” requires a commitment to do more, if needed(理由:“大恐慌”が再来したと人々が感じる可能性を減らすには、必要ならばもっとやる、というコミットメントが必要)
  • collective 「集団で」
    • since each country that has fiscal space should contribute(理由:財政出動の余地がある国は皆やるべき)
  • sustainable 「持続可能な」
    • so as not to lead to a debt explosion and adverse reactions of financial markets(理由:債務の爆発的増加、および金融市場の逆効果的な反応を防ぐ)


Looking at the content of the fiscal package, in the current circumstances, spending increases, and targeted tax cuts and transfers, are likely to have the highest multipliers. General tax cuts or subsidies, either for consumers or for firms, are likely to have lower multipliers.

  • 高い乗数効果が見込まれる政策
    • 公共支出増加
    • 目標を絞った減税、所得移転
  • 低い乗数効果が見込まれる政策
    • 消費者もしくは企業を対象にした全般的な減税、補助金


Financial markets do not seem, at present, overly concerned about medium-term sustainability in the largest advanced countries, though there has been some widening of borrowing costs within the euro zone that likely reflect sustainability concerns. This is however limited comfort, as markets often react late and abruptly. Thus, a fiscally unsustainable path can eventually lead to sharp adjustments in real interest rates, and these in turn can destabilize financial markets and undercut recovery prospects.




