The Fed responded Dec. 8, saying it’s allowed to withhold internal memos as well as information about trade secrets and commercial information. The institution confirmed that a records search found 231 pages of documents pertaining to some of the requests.
In response to Bloomberg’s request, the Fed said the U.S. is facing “an unprecedented crisis” in which “loss in confidence in and between financial institutions can occur with lightning speed and devastating effects.”
- そうした金融商品をいくら大量に買い込んでも、クレジット・リスクに影響は与えられていない。
- リフレ政策が首尾よく成功してインフレになった際の出口戦略を考えると、むしろFRBが買い込むのは流動性の高い金融商品の方が良い(その方が売却が容易なので)。
WSJ reports this clarification on what the Fed intends from a press conference with a "senior Federal Reserve official":
Is this quantitative easing? The Fed said in its statement today that it will be using its balance sheet to support credit markets and the economy. Some analysts have called the approach quantitative easing-- effectively expanding the money supply once interest rates cannot be eased further-- as Japan did during its economic turmoil.
But the senior Fed official said the central bank's approach is distinct from quantitative easing and different from what the Japanese did. The Fed's balance sheet has two sides, the official explained: assets with securities the Fed holds (including loans, credit facilities, mortgage-backed securities) and liabilities (cash and bank reserves). Japan's quantitative easing program focused on the liability side, expanding cash in the system and excess reserves by a large amount. The Fed's focus, however, is on the asset side through mortgage-backed securities, agency debt, the commercial paper program, the loan auctions and swaps with foreign central banks. That's designed to improve credit-market functioning, the official said. By expanding the balance sheet by making loans, the official explained, the focus is not on excess reserves but on the asset side. That securities-lending approach directly affects credit spreads, which is the problem today-- unlike Japan earlier, where the problem was the level of interest rates in general, the official said.
The Fed Speaks: More on Today’s Decision - Real Time Economics - WSJWill that strategy succeed if we just do it on a sufficiently large scale? I'm not at all convinced that it would. Our standard finance models treat interest rate spreads as governed primarily by fundamentals such as default risk and only secondarily by the volume of buyers or sellers.
But while the Fed may have little control over the spreads between different interest rates, it does have a significant degree of control over the inflation rate. The 1.7% drop in headline CPI during November, and the -10% annual deflation rate for the last 3 months, should not be viewed as welcome developments in an environment where our primary concern is whether individuals and institutions are going to repay their debts. The Fed should want to generate enough inflation to pull those short-term interest rates above the zero floor. But to target inflation, the Fed would take exactly the opposite strategy from that outlined by the senior Fed official above. The goal would be to get cash into circulation rather than be hoarded by banks, and have the Fed's assets be ones that could be readily liquidated if the inflation starts to come in higher than desired.
- 出版社/メーカー: 20世紀フォックス・ホーム・エンターテイメント・ジャパン
- 発売日: 2005/04/08
- メディア: DVD
- クリック: 17回
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今もFRBは、普通の民間銀行にとっては致命傷となる「爆弾」をその腹に呑み込んでいるわけだが、いざそれが「爆発」した時に、ほぼ無傷で涼しい顔をしていられるのだろうか、それともハミルトンが懸念しているように制御不能の事態が生じてしまうのだろうか*2? 個人的には、シニョリッジという「マスク」を持っているので大丈夫だろう、という気がするし、バーナンキもそう思っているからこそそうした政策を遂行しているのだろうが、皆がそう考えるとは限らない。その点では、ブルームバーグの訴訟に対し、今腹の中を見せるのはご勘弁、パニックが起きてしまうから、と応じているのもまた納得できる。