
というNBER論文が上がっている(H/T Mostly Economicsタイラー・コーエンungated版へのリンクがある著者のページ)。原題は「The End of Oil」で、著者はRyan Kellogg(シカゴ大)。

My main question of interest concerns how producers’ anticipation of a long-run decline in global oil demand might affect their behavior. One possibility is that producers increase their current rates of extraction, via a mechanism that dates to Sinclair (1992) and was coined the green paradox by Sinn (2008). This concern is rooted in the idea that oil reserves are an exhaustible resource that producers will extract in a way that maximizes their long-run present discounted value, per Hotelling (1931). Hence, an anticipated future reduction in oil demand will induce producers to accelerate extraction towards the present. This intertemporal shift would at least partially offset any future emissions reductions and perhaps even lead to an increase in the total present value of climate damages.
It is also possible, however, that an anticipated demand decline will cause oil producers to reduce near-term extraction. A suite of papers in economics dating at least to Nystad (1987) and Adelman (1990) has documented that the oil industry is characterized by up-front investments in wells and other infrastructure that enable oil production at a low marginal cost and subject to a binding capacity constraint. If producers anticipate a fall in the future demand for oil, this belief will reduce their incentive to make long-lived investments, leading to lower extraction even in the near-term. This potential disinvestment effect has drawn considerable industry commentary (Manley and Heller, 2021; Jain and Palacios, 2023; Ryan, 2023; Salzman, 2023), and a recent survey of oil and gas executives (Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, 2023) found that a majority of respondents believed that an energy transition would increase rather than decrease the price of oil over a five-year horizon.



Yes, plastics / petrochemicals are likely the end-uses where it'll be hardest to substitute away from crude oil. Most of the analysis in the paper assumes that oil demand eventually goes all the way to zero, but sec 4.3 considers a case where 15% of demand remains indefinitely.


というNBER論文をブルナーメイヤーらが上げているungated版へのリンクがある著者の一人のページ)。原題は「Systemic Risk Measures: Taking Stock from 1927 to 2023*1」で、著者はViral V. Acharya(NYU)、Markus K. Brunnermeier(プリンストン大)、Diane Pierret(ルクセンブルク大)。

We assess the efficacy of systemic risk measures that rely on U.S. financial firms’ stock return co-movements with market- or sector-wide returns under stress from 1927 to 2023. We ascertain stress episodes based on widening of corporate bond spreads and narrative dating. Systemic risk measures exhibit substantial and robust predictive power in explaining the cross-section of market realized outcomes, viz., volatility and returns, during stress episodes. The measures also help predict bank failures and balance-sheet outcomes, confirming their relevance for understanding risks to the real economy emanating from banking sector fragility. Overall, market-based systemic risk measures offer a promising complement to macro-prudential and supervisory assessments of the financial sector.

*1:このタイトルは、調べる、見積もる、という意味の「take stock」と、株式を掛けている。

大きな戦争の前後のr-g 1507-2023

というNBER論文をケネス・ロゴフらが上げているungated版)。原題は「r-g before and after the Great Wars 1507-2023」で、著者は Kenneth S. Rogoff(ハーバード大)、Paul Schmelzing(ボストン大)。

We present new long-run samples of r-g series over centuries for key economies in the international financial system. Across a wide variety of econometric approaches, and including duration-matched constructions, we demonstrate strong evidence of trend stationarity in these series. Although we confirm trend stationarity, we find robust evidence of a major structural break in the first third of the 20th century. A multi-century downward trend in r-g appears to have levelled off in the years around 1930, and since then r-g has shown high volatility coupled with clear upwards pressure: notably, though real interest rates may still appear favorably low, aggregate growth rates are drifting downwards in advanced economies since the interwar period, creating secular pressures on r-g and debt sustainability. Our results stand in contrast to much recent literature and suggest the need for much more caution in assuming benign trends in global public debt sustainability. At the same time, when adding riskier elements of capital returns, the data lend support for structurally increasing "dynamic efficiency". We then associate the key 1930s inflection to the establishment and growth of welfare states in advanced economies, and the surge in non-defense, non-interest expenditures.

超長期データを使った短期実質金利と期間スプレッドの再考 - himaginary’s diaryなどで示したSchmelzingの超長期の研究の新たなバージョンであるが、今回はr-gに注目している。本文では、20世紀の戦間期だけでなく、名誉革命ルイ14世の欧州戦争、ナポレオン戦争クリミア戦争普仏戦争においても、r-gが最低水準を付けた10年後以内に財政支出増によるr-gの反転(4%以上の増加)があったことを報告している。

*1:本文では「Figures 1 and 2 display two key series on r-g over centuries, constructing duration-matched nominal bases series as proposed by Lian et al. (2020). The latter construct r-g series using nominal 10-year maturity government interest rates and nominal aggregate GDP growth rates, both on an annual basis, averaging the nominal growth rate observations over ten years: in other words, g at t reports the average nominal aggregate growth rate over t to t+9.」と説明している。Lian et al. (2020)はPublic Debt and r - g at Risk


エガートソンのNBER論文をもう一丁。以下はGauti B. Eggertsson(ブラウン大)、Sergey K. Egiev(同)による表題の論文(原題は「Liquidity Traps: A Unified Theory of the Great Depression and Great Recession」)の要旨。

This paper presents a unified framework to explain three major economic downturns: the U.S. Great Depression, the U.S. Great Recession, and Japan’s Long Recession. Temporary economic disruptions, such as banking crises and excessive debt accumulation, can drive natural interest rates into negative territory in the short term. At the same time, structural factors, including demographic decline and rising inequality, can depress natural interest rates over short and long horizons. A negative natural interest rate and the zero lower bound (ZLB) are necessary conditions for a liquidity trap. Credible monetary policy can counteract the adverse effects of short-run liquidity traps. Diminished monetary policy credibility or persistent negative natural rates may necessitate fiscal interventions. The framework sheds light on the macroeconomic challenges of low-interest-rate environments and underscores the central importance of policy regimes. We close by reflecting on the great macroeconomic question of our time: Will short-term interest rates collapse back to zero once the inflation surge of the 2020s moves to the back mirror and the political landscape in the US has dramatically changed?

最後の問いは、長期停滞が過去のものになったのか、というサマーズとブランシャールの議論で一つの焦点となった論点であるが(cf. 自然利子率と中立金利:過去と未来 - himaginary’s diaryおよびそのリンク先)、論文の末尾では、トランプの当選によって不確実性が増し、彼の数多の公約が貯蓄投資バランスと自然利子率にどのように影響するかは現段階では全く分からない、と述べている。


So this is finally seeing the light of day in JEL: Liquidity Traps: A Unified Theory of the Great Depression and the Great Recession. Started the project in ..... 2019. NBER WP. But if the suspense is just killing you, here is a link:
We try to synthesize a large number of models into a common framework that relies on two pillars: a negative natural rate of interest and the ZLB./2
We show several ways you can generate temporarily negative natural rates, like household or firm debt deleveraging or banking crisis./3
Yet some forces can lead to a permanently negative natural rate of interest, such as an increase in inequality, a slowdown in population growth or an extension in life expectancy, a drop in productivity growth, and so on. This is the secular stagnation hypothesis./4
The paper has two organizational principles: first, if the natural rate is temporarily or permanently negative, and second, what is the nature of the policy regime. The economy's reaction to virtually any shock relies on the policy regime in place./4
If monetary policy follows ZLB augmented Taylor rule or optimal policy in an MPE, multipliers of government spending are large, and the model is subject to all sorts of paradoxes for which there seems to be increasing empirical evidence we review. /5
If the policy regime is an optimal monetary policy under commitment, then the increase in government spending is met by monetary policy contraction, so of course, the multiplier is more petite, and no paradoxes 6/
Cochrane, for example, has written some papers arguing for small multipliers, but that is just because the policy regime he assumes is very close to the optimal commitment policy regime. 6/
We spent quite a bit of time relating all of this to the real world; lot of this work happened in "real-time" as people were making decisions. We show that the Fed was not following the optimal commitment regime, based on data and what the Fed itself was saying. 7/
Yet it was not MPE either; we see this by evidence that forward guidance did have an effect. So, some policy regime specification is needed to reconcile the various pieces of evidence, and we offer suggestions for future work. 8/
We also discuss in detail how the framework can be used to understand the recovery from the Great Depression, which started in 1933, and the second phase of it in 1937. 9/
There is a bit more abbreviated discussion of the Long Recession in Japan, which we argue is best thought of through the lens of secular stagnation, and the idea we review in detail. /10
I hope people find it helpful that we provide most of the results in closed form and have some extensions I like, e.g., to heterogeneous agents, build on my work with Krugman (2012), which is also all in closed form. 11/
In any case, I've not spent as much time writing any paper. It's now done, so there is no point in thinking about marginal cost and marginal benefit. But I hope at least somebody out there reads it and likes it. 12/
One problem is that we feel we have a lot to say, so it is 107 pages long. I hope this won't discourage you! /13
As a final note: The paper has 12-13 pages of references. I am fully aware of that I inevitably missed great many. My apologies. Please feel free to let me know if you think something is missing, and I can see if I can add more reference. /end
Almost forgot to tag my great coauthor Sergey Egiev @SEgiev

*1:前回エントリでリンクしたあるエガートソンのページにもリンクがある。そこでは、最初に書かれたのは2020年1月、Journal of Economic Literature掲載予定、となっている。

*2:cf. Eggertsson=Krugman論文への反応 - himaginary’s diaryEggertsson=Krugman論文への反応・補足 - himaginary’s diary。掲載版=Debt, Deleveraging, and the Liquidity Trap: A Fisher-Minsky-Koo Approach* | The Quarterly Journal of Economics | Oxford Academic


というNBER論文が上がっているungated版へのリンクがある著者の一人(エガートソン)のページ)。原題は「The Forward Guidance Puzzle is not a Puzzle」で、著者はGauti B. Eggertsson、Finn D. Schüle(いずれもブラウン大)。

In standard New Keynesian models, future interest rate cuts have larger effects than current cuts—this is called the forward guidance puzzle. We argue that the forward guidance puzzle is not a puzzle. We show the puzzle arises from an implausibly large monetary regime change, exceeding anything in U.S. history since the Great Depression. By calibrating our model to four regime changes during the U.S. Great Depression, disciplined by changes in long-term bond yields, we find the model’s predictions are broadly consistent with historical data.


Just released a new working paper with brilliant Brown grad student Finn Schüle. While teaching second-year graduate students about the Forward Guidance Puzzle, we came to the conclusion that the FGP was... errr... not very puzzling... 1/
The FGP suggests that future interest rate cuts have bigger effects than current ones. This seems indeed quite puzzling. 2/
We assume the "puzzle" emerges from assuming interest rates are fixed between the announcement today of the future cut, regardless of what happens to output and inflation. 3/
This represents a major monetary policy regime change. 4/
Think of it like a fire: Is it puzzling that a flame grows larger the longer you commit to not extinguishing it? That's essentially the FGP. 5/
At the end of the day, the question is empirical. We study 4 episodes from the US Great Depression that closely mirror a FGP scenario, using data on long-term yield to approximate the effect of policy announcement about longer duration of the ZLB. 6/
Our findings? The data aligns with the model predictions. Major monetary policy regime changes have major effects, so the Forward Guidance Puzzle is perhaps not so puzzling after all. End/
これは火事のようなものだと考えてほしい。炎を消さないというコミットが長いほど、炎が大きくなるのはパズルだろうか? フォワドガイダンスパズルは基本的にそれである。
何が発見されたか? データはモデルの予測に沿っていた。大きな金融政策のレジーム変化は大きな影響をもたらすので、フォワドガイダンスパズルはおそらく結局はそれほどのパズルでは無いのだろう。


  1. フランクリン・D・ルーズベルト(FDR)が、1933年の就任直後、物価を大恐慌前の水準(一般的な理解では1926年の水準)にまでリフレートするために金本位制を廃止し、ニューディールをはじめとする各種の新たな政策目標を導入した。
  2. 1934年にマリナー・エクルズがFRB議長に任命され、ルーズベルト政権に権力を集中させ、インフレ目標の信頼性を高めた*1
  3. 約束した1926年の水準に物価が戻っていないにもかかわらず、FRBが早過ぎる金融引き締めを行い、将来の金利とインフレに関する市場の予想を暴力的に動かして、米国史上最も急峻な不況を招いた「1937年の誤り」。
  4. FDRがヘンリー・モーゲンソウ財務長官とマリナー・エクルズFRB議長を脇に従えて記者会見を行い、1926年の大恐慌前の水準まで物価水準をリフレートすることに再びコミットした1938年の政策反転。これにより第二次大戦の政府支出よりも前に景気回復が始まった。



というNBER論文が上がっているungated版へのリンクがある著者の一人のページ)。原題は「Forecasting Natural Gas Prices in Real Time」で、著者はChristiane Baumeister(ノートルダム大)、Florian Huber(ザルツブルク大)、Thomas K. Lee(米国エネルギー情報局)、 Francesco Ravazzolo(ボーツェン=ボルツァーノ自由大)。

This paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the forecastability of the real price of natural gas in the United States at the monthly frequency considering a universe of models that differ in their complexity and economic content. Our key finding is that considerable reductions in mean-squared prediction error relative to a random walk benchmark can be achieved in real time for forecast horizons of up to two years. A particularly promising model is a six-variable Bayesian vector autoregressive model that includes the fundamental determinants of the supply and demand for natural gas. To capture real-time data constraints of these and other predictor variables, we assemble a rich database of historical vintages from multiple sources. We also compare our model-based forecasts to readily available model-free forecasts provided by experts and futures markets. Given that no single forecasting method dominates all others, we explore the usefulness of pooling forecasts and find that combining forecasts from individual models selected in real time based on their most recent performance delivers the most accurate forecasts.

*1:ランダムウォークベンチマークとして使うことについて本文では「The MSPE results of all our candidate models are normalized relative to the monthly random walk without drift, which is the established benchmark in the energy price forecasting literature (see, e.g., Hamilton, 2009; Baumeister, Kilian, and Lee, 2017; Ferrari, Ravazzolo, and Vespignani, 2021; Baumeister, Korobilis, and Lee, 2022; Baumeister, Huber, and Marcellino, 2024).」と説明している。

*2:本文では「Throughout the analysis, we mimic as closely as possible the situation of a real-life forecaster who can rely only on the information available at the point in time the forecast is generated. This means working with preliminary data that are subject to revisions later on and taking delays in data releases into account to accurately reflect real-time data constraints when assessing the out-of-sample performance of forecasting methods. Since our focus is on the real price of natural gas, we deflate the price by the U.S. consumer price index (CPI) in real time. For this purpose, we update the real-time vintages of the monthly seasonally adjusted U.S. consumer price index for all urban consumers originally compiled by Baumeister and Kilian (2012) up to February 2024. These real-time data are obtained from Economic Indicators published by the Council of Economic Advisers and made available in the FRASER database of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. While the nominal spot price is available in real time, CPI data are published with a one-month lag; we nowcast the missing observation for each vintage using the past average inflation rate. We produce out-of-sample forecasts for monthly horizons h of up to two years. Model-based forecasts are obtained by recursively re-estimating the model at each forecast origin t based on data contained in the real-time vintage t. The evaluation period starts in February 1997 determined by the EIA’s earliest reporting of the Henry Hub spot price. Thus, the initial recursive estimation window runs from 1976M1 to 1997M1 using data from the January 1997 vintage. After generating h-step-ahead forecasts, we move to the February 1997 data vintage which adds one observation to our sample. We repeat estimation and forecasting for all the vintages until February 2024 which is the last available vintage and thus the endpoint of our evaluation period.」、結論部では「The assessment was conducted in a real-time setting that accounted for delays in the availability of predictor variables and revisions as preliminary data were updated. For this purpose, we compiled a rich database of fundamental determinants of the real price of natural gas from multiple sources. It consists of vintages from January 1991 to February 2024, each covering data going back to January 1973, that report only the information that a real-life forecaster would have had at his disposal at the time the forecasts were generated.」と説明している。

*3:本文では「Our analysis reveals that several forecasting methods perform quite well in real time compared to the no-change benchmark for horizons up to 24 months. At the nearest horizon, using the most recent daily observation of the natural gas price to forecast the average price next month delivers the most accurate forecast, but this approach is superseded at the three- and six-month horizons by more precise forecasts based on futures prices and various economic models of the natural gas market that differ in the number of predictor variables and how these are measured but have in common parsimonious dynamics of order one. Forecasting the real price of natural gas at intermediate horizons, ranging from nine to 15 months out, is most successful with futures prices, exponential smoothing, and an economic model that includes the full set of fundamental drivers. Exponential smoothing remains competitive at the longest horizons, but adding stochastic volatility to some of the economic models also achieves substantial improvements in forecasting performance. While these are the most promising models across horizons, the differences in average performance with the next best tier of models are often small.」と説明している。


というNBER論文が上がっている。原題は「Federal Reserve Independence and Congressional Intent: A Reappraisal of Marriner Eccles’ Role in the Reformulation of the Fed in 1935」で、著者はGary Richardson(UCアーバイン)、David W. Wilcox(ピーターソン国際経済研究所)。

Congressional intent concerning the independence of the Federal Reserve matters because it protects the public from the politicization of monetary policy. Attempts to subordinate monetary policy to the President could easily end up in front of the Supreme Court. The outcome of such a case would depend importantly on the historical record. Understanding what Congress intended when it designed the decision-making structure of the Fed requires a clear understanding Marriner Eccles’ proposal for the structure of monetary policymaking in Title II of the Banking Act of 1935 and the Congressional response. Eccles' proposal vested monetary policymaking in a body beholden to the President. Eccles argued that leaders of the Fed should serve at the discretion of the President and implement the President's monetary program. The Senate and House rejected Eccles' proposal and explicitly designed the Fed's leadership structure to limit politicians'—particularly the President's—influence on monetary policymaking.

FRBに独立性にエクルズが果たした役割については、マリナー・エクルズの功績 - himaginary’s diaryなどで紹介したように毀誉褒貶が分かれるようであるが、ここでの評価は否定的なようである。
この論文のungated版は見当たらなかったが、Wilcoxは8月26日にピーターソン研究所のサイトに「Donald Trump could return to an outdated Federal Reserve model」という記事を上げている。以下は同記事からの引用。

Trump didn’t specify how he would try to alter the Fed, but he evidently might prefer something like the central bank’s original design, which gave the president substantial sway over its policymaking. Under that system, the Treasury secretary and the comptroller of the currency—both of whom are nominated by the president—served as Federal Reserve Board members, and both could be fired by the president at will.
The Banking Act of 1935 changed all that. It removed the secretary and comptroller from the Board. It gave the seven members of the newly constituted Board 14-year terms, staggered so that one expired every two years, reducing the chances that an individual president would be able to fill many of the seats. Board members could be fired only “for cause,” a legal standard generally understood to mean that mere policy disagreements would not justify removing them.
If Trump wins reelection and chooses to operate under current laws and norms, he will have only limited options for bending the Fed to his will.
Alternatively, he could defy current norms and understandings of the law with a range of more aggressive possible approaches, which are detailed in an earlier blog post.
Such a move would likewise surely end up before the Supreme Court, a process that could take months if not years. The ensuing uncertainty could be devastating for the US and global financial systems. No one would know for sure whether Fed actions to quell the market turmoil would ultimately be overturned by some new institutional structure. In central banking, credibility is key, and the Fed would be stripped of it.
Alternatively, Trump could ask Congress to give the president the more direct control over rate setting, as he seems to want.